BootsnAll Travel Network

Things Coulda Been Warsaw

On Wednesday, I flew from Vilnius to Warsaw.  And boy are my arms tired.  Rimshot.   

 SSCN1319.JPG     Here’s a shot of a Lithuanian girl in the airport who was happy to meet a Canadian.


In Warsaw, I met up with a close buddy from home, Rick, tennis coach extraordinnaire and all-around great guy.  (Flattery will abound in this entry since he’s sure to read it.)  We pounded a lot of pavement in this sprawling city, exploring the old (rebuilt) areas and the new areas and telling a lot of jokes.  Every one of Rick’s jokes was absolutely hilarious and perfectly delivered, no matter how very many times I had heard each and every one (from him) before.  On the first night, we enjoyed time with his daughter Becca and her boyfriend Joe, who are traveling through Europe for a college semester abroad.  The next day we visited the moving Uprising Museum.  The rest of the time we clinked beer steins over starchy food, toured the nightspots and engaged in hand-to-hand combat for access to the bathroom in our hotel room.  All jesting aside, my time with Rick has been one of the highlights of the trip.


Below are shots of Rick, Becca, Joe and I; the Copernicus statue; a street; and a performer.



Finally, this entry will conclude with a highly irregular and rather inappropriate feature.  Rick insisted that he be allowed to add his own thoughts in my blog, which is my blog.  (And not his.  Mine.)  But, being the bigger man, I acceded to his pathetic begging.  Let me stress that I bear no responsibility for its unedited contents and that the unedited views contained therein are Rick’s alone.  Not mine.  And unedited.  Rick’s portion follows the one final photo, which I’ll attempt to explain.  For some unknown reason, our otherwise staid, conservatively decorated hotel (all dark wood, green carpet and antique furniture) contains, at the top of the stairwell on our floor, a prominently displayed life-size, multi-colored plastic cow.   Never one to miss an opportunity to mesh with his environs and make America look good in the process, Rick posed for a picture with the (embarrassed) cow.  Rick is on the right.



You may be wondering whether Spencer is as funny in person as he is in this blog.  The answer is an unequivocal no.

That’s why it amazes me so much that the Polish people, especially women and dogs, are so taken by Spencer.  Maybe its because they’re all former Communists, especially the terriers.

But all seriousness aside, it’s been great seeing The Great Man and hanging out with him.  He seems to be doing well mentally, physically, and emotionally, and spiritually.  I often write down for posterity his comments concerning life, love, and litership (drinking liter mugs of beer).  He did need help picking up his glass though.

But even though he’s doing well, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.   And please pray for Europe also, which will never be the same.



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6 responses to “Things Coulda Been Warsaw”

  1. Ellen F says:


    Spencer – we’re loving hearing about your travels. How is your sister? Ellen

  2. Jessica says:

    Spencer I am having such a great time reading your blog (yours, not Rick’s!). I am so glad you are having such a good time and getting to meet up with old friends and make some new ones. I know you’re having the time of your life and I can say that reading your blog has highlighted my otherwise boring, homework filled days. 🙂

  3. Greg says:


    You’re a nut! It sounds like a wonderful trip. Those of us with real lives and responsibilities are envious! Have fun, but not too much fun.

  4. Bill says:

    Spencer, thanks for the photos! I’m glad you share them with me, but I think you’re wrong about the rest of your friends. I think they are very open minded and would like to see your collection of you streaking naked through the streets one night in every country you travel through. There is nothing wrong with this goal of yours. I especially like the one of you stopping during your run and climbing the statue in the fountain. Great lighting, very artistic. So please, post them on your blog.


    PS – it sure does get cold over there…

  5. Billy D. says:

    Spencer, I am loving reading your adventures. Keep going my brother. I hope you stay out there til next year when I get some time off and hopefully may be able to catch up with you … possibly in Mongolia for some Yak racing or Chumbazxlatalamanja smoking in a warm hut with warm goat ale and a view of wide open Azure/Amber plains full of almond eyed beauties….nrnrYou are the man! nrnrBill DunnnrnrPS – Never come back, my friend! Find a home and a way to make money in some far away land so we can all come and visit you! Us Angelinos need a Hemingway-esque Spencer we can run to for adventure… Also, I pray you meet a Christian European or East European girl (or Icelandic as you seemed to like the place) who will treat you well (as you deserve) and keep you over there, AND who likes company (especially LA buddies)! Work your magic my brother….

  6. kelly says:

    Hey Buddy
    Love the stories. Glad to hear that Andrea is doing okay. Keep trekking!


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