BootsnAll Travel Network

Pole Position

First an update on my sister, Andrea. Thanks again to all of you who have inquired. She did not need to have the surgery after all, which was a great relief and an answer to prayer. However, it turns out that her problems themselves originated from a stroke. Fortunately, she’s in good spirits and is progressing well. She still suffers from vertigo and double vision and is working on becoming ambulatory. With effort, she’s able to move around with the use of a cane. For those of you who know Andrea, the thought of her requirinig even a cane seems incomprehensible. She’s otherwise so fit and active you’d expect her to be on the cover of an aerobics DVD. Anyway, she should be out of the hospital later this week and will be in rehab for some months. She and her husband Paul very much appreciate the outpouring of concern and support and the continued prayers for her complete recovery.

Meanwhile, I changed “Pole positions” on Friday, October 12, leaving Warsaw and arriving in Krakow. My hostel reservation was at a place called “Bling Bling,” which made me wish I’d packed my thick gold chains and other gangsta attire. (Like Kip.) Probably unrelated to that foux pas, they mistakenly filled my spot and instead arranged for me to stay at a sister–er, sista–hostel and paid for my taxi ride over there.
