Lost in Australia
I made it to Australia, and I love it here!! Even the spiders and mosquitoes dont spoil it much.
I arrived in Sydney and it rained solidly for 2 whole days but despite that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here so far. Customs on arrival was tough, they asked me who I was going to stay with in OZ, why I was travelling alone and what I did at home. Sydney was cool. Larry and Heather, I did everything you said I should, right down to eating Royal Copenhagen ice cream! I went to Darling Harbour, visited the Rocks, climbed yp the Harbour Bridge pylon, took a ferry to Manly, walked around the Botanical Gardens and sat on Bondi Beach all day. I even got time to go to the Blue Mountains, which I hadnt planned to do, as its just “another national park”, but Im glad I did cos it was quite spectacular. I also went to visit some koalas (so furry!) and play with some kangaroos at a wildlife park, which was fun. I also visited a place called Croydon, which was a bit of a dump and there were lots of car lots… Hmmmn… The infamous Kings Cross was interesting. I wandered down there one night and all the – ahem – ladies of the night were definitely on something. One woman’s trousers were even falling down at one point, but she was so off her face she didnt know it. I would have laughed out loud if there weren’t so many dodgy people around who looked like they’d thump me one if I did.
Next up was Byron Bay. Byron is a very dangerous place to be if you’re not planning on staying long. I would have ended up sitting under trees with hippies all day, seriously! And I did end up staying longer than I was supposed to, and used up all my time there that I was supposed to spend in Brisbane and Noosa. It has a great beach, lots of surfer types and it was a good place to meet people. I stayed at a place that had its own cinema, pool and a campsite. One night I did camp out with the toads, snakes and iguanas and had great fun letting down other people’s tent pegs in the middle of the night, hehehe.. For the most time I was in a dorm with 3 boys from Essex who were good fun too. I somehow also ended up in Nimbin. Anyone who knows about Nimbin, well I dont need to say much more…
After a day in Brisbane (absolutely nothing to do there unless you’re looking for a job, but nice on the South Bank), I headed to Rainbow Beach to go to Fraser Island. Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island. I teamed up with 10 other people, mostly English and Irish and we camped out there for 2 nights, braving the big spiders – I did actually run out screaming of a toilet at one point cos there were two huge huntsmans by the sink – and marsh flies – huge! It was cool. I shared driving the 4WD with another guy and we went to Indian Head, where you’re supposed to be able to see sharks and turtles (we didnt), Lake McKenzie, a really lovely big saltwater lake, Lake Wabby, which has huge sand dunes all around it where you can roll down into the water and Eli Creek, which is like a lazy river. We all had a really good time and Im hoping to meet up with some of the gang when I get to Cairns and fly down to Melbourne. Right now Im back in Sydney. I flew back to go to Mardi Gras and will fly up to Airlie Beach tomorrow to go sailing in the Whitsundays.
Does anyone mind if I dont come back?
F xxx
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Byron Bay, Kings Cross, Sydney, Travel
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