Farrah the Aborigine: Living with rockstars in Adelaide
Thursday, February 5th, 2009SNOW!!!
Yep, its all over the news here! Any excuse for you guys not to go to work! Seriously, keep warm just as we are trying to keep cool overhere hee hee!!
So Im now in Adelaide on a very short stopover – I left Melbourne on Tuesday. I was sad to leave but its always good to go when you still enjoy being somewhere. On Friday I was in St Kilda having a coffee, waiting to meet up with my mate Ben and two Aborigine guys walked past and were just staring at me to the point where it felt really uncomfortable and the people on the next table noticed and they leant over and said “you should hide!” I just carried on drinking my coffee and writing my postcard…. about 10 minutes later, I heard a voice… : “Sister… SISTER! Hey sister!!” I looked up and it was the two guys again. They said, “Hey are you Aborigine?” I started laughing and said that wherever I went people thought I was one of them and they started laughing and said I looked like their sister hahahahaha! When they realised I was English they said it was good of me to come over and visit their country and they hoped I enjoyed my visit. We shook hands and they introduced themselves and then they went on their way!
By the way anyone who doesnt have my mobile overhere its +61 404 651 629. I turn my phone off when Im asleep so Linda, dont worry about calling me when you’re drunk!
Also, some pics of Melbourne: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?page=1&aid=212725&l=53783&id=535680087
Im finding more and more as I settle back into a backpacker mentality that you do have to lay yourself open to opportunities and meeting random people and taking up offers that come your way. However, some opportunities you really should not take up, like if some musclehead on St Kilda persistently tries to buy you coffee (I told you there were no hot men on the beach). Some you really should. Like if your friend says you should hook up with some rockstars in Adelaide and they offer you a place to stay (Larry, again, you little sparkler, everyone needs a friend like you!), you should say yes! My friend Laura met Craig and Lili in Las Vegas and was a bridesmaid when they got married (Married in Vegas?? I love them already!!) and she suggested I meet them when I get to Adelaide. We made contact on Facebook and Lili immediately invited me to stay but being oh so English I said oh no dont worry Ill sort myself out and all that so I booked into a hostel but Craig offered to show me around town while I was here so we met up and again the offer to stay came so I accepted and here I am in this rather amazing house in the Adelaide Hills! Craig and Lili are the most kindest people and they have 2 wicked dogs – Max, a Rottweiler and Gomez – Im not sure what he is, but hes small with a lot of hair in his eyes and runs around like he’s on speed 😉 Craig is singer with BBSteal, they are on www.myspace.com/bbsteal Im just touched by all the people I have met who have offered help and stuff and Im finding more and more that Aussies are incredibly hospitable and when they invite you over they mean it! Adelaide is really hot – it hit 46 degrees the day I arrived and yesterday Craig showed me around the beaches, Glenelg, Henley, Semaphore and then we had Vietnamese for lunch. Craig and I have very similar views on politics and stuff so its been good talking to him about issues that most people wont talk about in case they get shot hahahaha! We walked around the Botanical Gardens a nd MH, you mentioned Norwood – we went for a drink there, it was actually a really nice suburb hahahahaha!! Its been really cool hanging out with them and if I hadnt met up with them I would still be in the middle of the City of Churches thinking there was bugger all to do. In fact, the night I arrived, I went for a walk and everything was quiet and closed. Where Melbourne had been bustling and people were out and about, here it was just … dead. It was like a poor man’s Christchurch. Honestly!! The hostel I stayed in for 1 night was nice and people staying there were nice too but despite having 2 fans blowing, the window and door open, it was too hot to sleep! The Adelaide Hills are much cooler..in all senses..!
So this evening Ill be getting on the Indian Pacific for 2 nights – ill get to Perth on Saturday morning (Ben should be flying in if his flight can leave England hahaha!) Wish me luck. Then again, I didnt come to Planet Earth for a simple life – that would be just too easy…
See you in Western Australia!