BootsnAll Travel Network

The news

So as this whole planning started to really take shape and we realized that this was really going to happen, we kept asking ourselves “is this CRAZY?”……you have no idea how many times we said that to each other!! The hardest part was not telling any of our friends. Since we moved to Vancouver we made some pretty close friendships and a lot of the ones have been made at my current employment. We have sociables all the time, BBQs, volleyball just regular hanging out stuff. Some of our friends have since been married, bought houses, new cars and are thinking about babies. It has been a really REALLY long time with these people and it was so hard not to let them know our plan as soon as we stumbled upon it.

The one thing we were really aware of since we came up with this wild plan was that maybe we were fooling ourselves and didn’t even know it. We didn’t want to have this incredible and outrageous story/plan to tell everyone and then have to eat our words later when we realized that it was impossible. So we kept it quiet. And that was the most difficult thing I have had to do. Since we like to go out with our friends for dinner and drinks pretty much everyday of the weekend and since we love having people over for huge ass parties it all came to a screeching hault ’cause now we wanted to save Save SAVE……..Our friends understood, for a while, then the questions about “how expensive can China be anyways?” came up. Those things got a bit more difficult to talk about. Somehow we got by for a while and then another event would rear its big ugly irresistable head and there we would be having drinks and spending those precious $$. Friends would offer to buy our drinks but we refused stressing that it wasn’t that we didn’t have the money, but that we didn’t want to spend the money. It was killing us and we hoped that when they finally found out they would understand and it would all make sense to them.


One response to “The news”

  1. Ryan says:

    Lady! Congratulations to you and Andre. This is an incredible adventure that you two are about to head out on. You had better be good about keeping this blog going because you know that I will be checking for its regular updates. I know that you two will live life to the extreme fullest regardless of what continent you are on, so let me just wish you safe travels.

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