BootsnAll Travel Network

… fixed address

The last week of our stay in Vancouver came and went in a flash. Maybe it was a good thing as I didn’t have time to get too upset with all of the ‘goodbyes’ we made to all of our friends. It was just alot of packing and packing and packing which ended up in storage…..and we found ourselves frowning at the fact that that was it! This was all there was of us. Just a pile of boxes…….A bit depressing…… We stuck the jeep in storage ’cause we know that having a vehicle is necessary for us to get around and sort out all of the necessities when we come home. Of course there’s a part of us that thinks (hopes) that maybe we won’t be using (wanting) it when (if) we return to Vancouver (anywhere). But just in case, giving in to that small little bit of ya that just can’t let go, well just in case that nagging doesn’t subside, we decided it was better safe than sorry.

Our last two days were complete havoc as we packed the last of the little things……doesn’t anyone wonder where all of these little things ever came from? I left work and got home to wait for the TV movers to come…..the realtor from next door wanted to show our place to her client at the same time the TV movers came……What do I really care about the realtor? I am a renter!!! Anyhow, I postponed her visit by 10 minutes, let the TV guys come in only to see them hand carry it out – and what a site! A real skinny dude and a guy about my size decided that they could just carry out this 350 lb TV……..I was frightened…..but comforted by the fact they had insurance. They left, Realtor came, my cat was gone and couldn’t be found,I was a mess, I kicked the Realtor out, found the cat in the cupboard, went to call Andre to say the TV was on its way, the payphone ate 2 quarters and still wouldn’t work. I didn’t have a cell so was at the mercy of the video store guy but finally got my call through to Andre……..then we drank beer! Well deserved!!!!

Sarah and Mark let us bum around their place for our last 2 days…….athough the first night we didn’t make it there until 12:30am……we are terrible guests. Some of our close friends came over to say goodbye………I feel terrible that we were so exhausted from the moving not toappreciate them more. I hope they realize how awesome they are!

Now here we sit in Blockhouse, our first night complete with the BIGGEST, freshest pot of seafood chowder………a perfect welcome home!


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