BootsnAll Travel Network

Is this China?? Mountain Vistas and open spaces?? (April 1, 2006)

So from Dali we made our way to Lijiang…..hoping that we would get a REALLY nice bus this time to make the trek, our hopes were crushed when the lady I just gave my money too ignored my efforts to get her attention. Three times I said “This bus?? Is this the bus we’re getting??!!” as I pointed at the picture of the big beautiful Volvo bus that we only dreamed could be a possibility. Since she just spoke English to me moments ago while I was giving her the money, I couldn’t understand why I was being ignored……Eventually she turned and said ‘yes, just be here at 1:30pm tomorrow’. We turned up on time and of course, our bus was late. Eventually a driver arrived and we were squished into the back of a make-shift mini-van the size of a smart car. This isn’t a good start to the “big bus” we wanted.

This little van then pulled over on the side of the highway. During all our travels we’re getting used to doing things that make no sense at all and so we wait and wait. And can you believe it, a BIG Volvo bus just like in the picture pulled up…our prayers we answered!

The bus ride to Lijiang was so amazing! I keep thinking that I have to get a Thesaurus so that I can more perfectly describe to you the beauty we are so lucky to see with our own eyes. We turned one bend in the road and it seemed as if the whole world fell open at our feet. Huge valleys and wide open spaces complete with mountain vistas and glaciers. Once again my emotions got the best of me. Have I ever seen anything so lovely…….

Lijiang is a town of about 1 million people which must swell to double that with all the toursits that roam around. The streets are cobblestone and even an earthquake from the late ’90s couldn’t shake the old Naxi architecture. Complete with Chinese laterns that light the cobblestone pathways and traditional music played on musical instruments that were saved from the cultural revolution by those dedicated enough to their heritage to risk burying them in the ground (yes, crazy huh?), we felt as though we had stepped back in time. It isn’t surprising that in 1997 this was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

We scored an awesome place for 50yuan (about $7) in the inner courtyard of a 5 star hotel owned by a little old lady and ran by her grand daughter. My Chinese skills again worked wonders… limited as those skills are. Did I mention that coming to China means that you MUST bring 2 things #1: The ability to pronounce some Pinyin so that a phrase book works #2: BRING a phrase book, maybe two – this part is essential!! You can at least point to the Chinese character and get your ideas across!

we paid 55yuan ($7) each for 3 hours on VERY nice bus from Dali to Lijiang
Accomodation in Dali – Koreana R.H. guesthouse on Hugo Lu for 100yuan/night ($15)
Good info for trek in gorge from Monkey Bar guy

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