trying to upload
So here I am hoping to get my hands on this new PDA we purchased a couple of months ago – a Siemens SX66. But with Andre its a little difficult to wrestle this thing away from him! Its like he thinks i’m going to change all of gthe settings ans screw it all up! Actuallyt it’s not like I’ m just imagining it, it absolutely true! He even says, “your not planning on changing the settings are you?”!!!
anyhow here I sit typing on the worlds smallest keybosrd to see how annoying this little thing could be if I have to type this on this device while we’re away. Besides my fingers cramping and not knowing how eAsy it will be to upload wheb using this devices ability to upload onto our blog, its not that bad. Please wxcuse thw typing errors that I refuse to go back and correct as my fingers seem extremely fat on this thing, and I fear that I may cramp up before I.complete this transaction.
Now that andre seems to have calmed down and almost seems to have forgotten that this neat and new little device isn’t in his hands these last few minutes, i’ve come to love it even more! But then again, iVm sure his distraction has something to do with his other addiction – the Discovery channel!
So now i’m going to save this word document onto the PDA and then connect to the internet and try to upload. Lets see how it goes, shall we?
Tags: Travel
Well am I ever relieved that you got your PDA all set up and all. I can’t imagine going through the next two or more years without knowing how you are doing on this wonderful adventure you and Andre are about to start! Only five weeks until you officially leave work and start on your journey.
All the best to the both of you and make sure that you keep this blog updated for all of us back home who will be living vicariously through you and Andre for the next few years.
August 24/2005
The blog looks like it will be a great way to keep in touch.
I thought I had a storage idea for you but I think they are only available in the US. It’s called PODS (Portable On Demand Storage) and they bring a storage container to you and you fill it and they either transport it to your new home or store it. The company is based in Seattle.
Well good luck. I’m looking forward to experiencing your trip from my computer.
Wow, sounds like your ready, well as ready as can be. The both of you are truly amazing people and I wish you both the best. Can’t wait to see you in October. The girls ask about the trip often. See you soon, love you both.