Mal Pais and Montezuma, with Special Guest Star: Sean Evans
We’re joined this week by SPF 85 guest, Sean “el blanco” Evans, as we take on the surfer paradise of Mal Pais and the hippie-lands of Montezuma.
By surfer-paradise, we mean, it must be paradise if you’re a surfer. Or a single woman who likes to see scantily-clad men with big muscles and tans, wandering around with their shorts below their butt cracks. Yes, Leith and Kim, we’re talking about you.
From the attention these hot surfer dudes we’re getting, it seemed that a 2-hour lesson would be more than enough for Sean and Brendan to transform into bronzed gods of the sea.
Not so. Actually, it was kind of embarrassing. Let’s just say, it’s a good thing they provided a long-sleeved shirt to prevent Sean from blinding beach-goers with his “el blanco” chest. Brendan, while perhaps looking more the part, failed to convince anyone that he was actually able to catch a wave – despite this being his third attempt.
Our week of eating and drinking was punctuated with short bursts of activity – mainly hiking (a.k.a. rock climbing) to the Montezuma waterfall and taking on the trails at Cabo Blanco, Costa Rica’s first nature preserve. [Note from Mel: when the guidebook describes something as ‘fairly strenuous’, they really mean 4 hours of sheer torture, mostly uphill, with no food or water] [Note from Brendan: that’s called hiking]. In the end, we were able to swim with pelicans, which made it all worthwhile.
Readers please take note: if you are planning on becoming a guest star in the Brel Chronicles, you’re more than welcome, but please, please, don’t just bring Canadian currency – especially to towns that don’t have banks, ATM’s, or restaurants that take credit cards. Sean – have you received the bill for our financing fees yet?
Tags: Costa Rica, Travel
January 24th, 2008 at 1:01 pm
I might add that Brendan was originally sporting the long-sleeve shirt, but I had to swap with him after he could barely squeeze into it. (Brendan – post the picture of you and your spare tire. It’s hot.) Not sure if that qualifies as “looking the part.”
Financing fees? Last I checked you still owe me $20 – though I did appreciate the cash flow infusion.
January 24th, 2008 at 5:37 pm
Hmmm, I don’t know, but you all look pretty white to me. But at least Brendan’s shoulders have grown to match the belly.