Lessons Learned in our First 3 Hours in Turkey
Monday, June 23rd, 2008- Being a blond western woman is an invitation to stare. Like 4 people at the same time,for a minute or longer, without any attempt to hide who and what they are staring at.
- Like other Muslim countries, the less skin shown, the better, even in 30 degree weather. Apparently long pants, shirts with sleeves and head scarves are the new black.
- Lamb is a food group here. Mel will certainly need to get over her moral aversion to it. Don’t tell Mary. Apparently eating lamb is not baaaaad here. (oh yea, I totally wrote that)
- Traveling with Spanish-speaking former Latin American tour guide is no longer an advantage. Note to B: be nicer to Mel.
- No need to learn Turkish swear words as even basic courtesies seem dirty. Allahaismarladik is not a reference to your mother, it just means goodbye.
- Be afraid of the toilets. They call them ‘squatters’ and while we haven’t yet experienced them here, word is they are essentially holes in the ground with a foot pad for flushing. Less water=less peeing.
- We’re actually in Asia. Only the south-western part of Turkey is considered to be in Europe. Who knew?
- Random music played numerous times per day is not actually for our entertainment. It’s a call from Allah to get your butt to the mosque.
We predict good times ahead. And some funny blogs.