Buenos Aires – Good Airs??
The literal translation of Buenos Aires is Good Airs, which is kind of ironic given what’s going on right now. The farmers, having recently given up their plight to restrict beef in Buenos Aires, have taken to burning fields. This essentially translates to thick smoke everywhere. As in the kind of smoke that burns your eyes and throat and causes highways to be closed.
The lowdown on what’s happening politically: Soy is the most lucrative agricultural product right now. The government introduced a new 30%+ tax on soy exports to discourage farmers from abandoning their old crops. The government’s position is that they are trying to protect jobs by ensuring diversification of the crops here. And the farmers, understandably, are looking to make as good a living for themselves as possible.
So we’ve moved on from pitying our lack of beef to hiding indoors, unable to leave the city for our scheduled trip to Cordoba. And don’t even talk to Mel about the 3 million chicks that had to be drowned because the farmers are restricting feed.
But…we still love Buenos Aires and Argentina…
Tags: Argentina, Travel