BootsnAll Travel Network

Rehearsal in DC – Day 2

January 19th, 2009

I’ll make this quick because I’m tired, and we need to get up at 5 am.  We just got back from another long, but excellent, rehearsal, and tomorrow’s parade day!  I can’t wait!  After rehearsal Dan and I took the Metro to the Capitol Mall.  Everything was set up for tomorrow, there were already a lot of people, and the atmosphere was electric.  Despite the crowds, people were being very courteous, and there were many smiles and greetings being exchanged even among strangers.

That’s it for tonight; I’m off to get — hopefully — a good night’s sleep.

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Travel to PA, then DC for First Rehearsal

January 18th, 2009

We’re heading east on I-94 in Wisconsin approaching Madison at about 9:15 am. We just filled up the tank, changed CDs in the six-changer (yea, I know, it’s old school, but works OK) and cleaned the windows. Also, the hose leading to the passenger-side windshield washer fluid squirter was pinched. It seems that the hose was knocked out of a clip that is supposed to hold it in its proper position, resulting in the pinched hose when the hood was closed, and thus, its inability to squirt the windshield. Rather, it kind of just spit out washer fluid onto the hood — not very effective for cleaning the windshield! So, the passenger — Dan, in this case — had to look out through muddy, salty streaks in the windshield. At least it wasn’t the driver’s side. I put the hose back in the clip and voila — the squirter squirted again.

We got up at 4:30 this morning (Sat. 1/17) and got on the road at 5:09. We stopped one other time at the wayside rest after Mauston WI. The roads are decent, with just a dusting of snow in Minnesota and the first bit of Wisconsin. Now, they’re just wet.

Driving this stretch of road brings back memories of other trips — trips to visit my brother, Mark, in Madison, trips to Chicago with our friends, Fritz and Kenny, camping trips on which we stopped to visit my grandma in Illinois and our friend, Dave, in Indianapolis. We’ll now add this trip to those memories — a trip in which we welcome a new president and turn a historical page on what many — myself included — view as a disastrous eight years of failed presidential leadership to one of great hopefulness for a new era of American confidence in our president.

I wrote the previous three paragraphs as we were driving on Saturday. It is now Sunday evening after our first rehearsal.

After Madison, and until we got beyond Chicago, the roads were very icy, and we saw several cars in the ditches, a couple of fender benders and a rollover. The going was slow, but we made it through OK. Then, the roads were decent until we got into Pennsylvania. As we traveled over the Alleghenies, it was snowing, and traveling was slow. We got to Sunhearth Trails Bed & Breakfast in Roaring Spring, PA at about 11 pm. The women who run the place are very friendly and hospitable! They didn’t blink about us getting in two hours later than we were anticipating, made us tea and chatted with us a bit before we all turned in for the evening. The place is very beautifully furnished. Check out their website here: Tina made us a great breakfast the next morning, and we got on the road toward D.C. just after 7 am.

OK, I’m tired, so I’ll just add for now that we made it D.C. in good time, and our first rehearsal went well. After rehearsal, Dan and I checked into our hotel in Fairfax, VA and had dinner at a nearby Ruby Tuesdays. We have our next and final rehearsal tomorrow. Then, it’s on to the big parade on Tuesday!

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Inauguration Bound 2

January 16th, 2009

I was going to add to the previous post, but I couldn’t quickly figure out how to turn off the center alignment.  I’m sure I could have figured it out eventually in the code, but I’m too tired right now and need to get some sleep.

Dan and I drove out to Eden Prairie earlier this evening to drop our dog, Jake, off with my sister, Jackie, and her family.  We’re all packed and ready to take off early tomorrow morning — at about 5 am.

Some have asked where the LGBA unit will be in the parade.  I don’t know how helpful it is, but here is the information I received: “We are Division 5, unit number 13, behind the Howard University Marching Band and Pennsylvania float, and in front of the Azalea Trail Maids and Ohio State Marching Band.”

Also, our local GLBT magazine, Lavender, had an article about us three local musicians participating with LGBA in the parade, as well as a photo of me and Harvey.  Here is the link:
Lavender Article

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Inauguration Bound

January 16th, 2009

I’m hoping to expand this post if I have time later today, but the following quote was on next week’s “Faculty Facts” at the school where I work, and I thought it was appropriate given the inauguration of our new president next week.

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.

This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

____ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Local TV News Does a Story

January 13th, 2009

OK, I’m not sure that 30 seconds counts as a story, but one of our local news stations was at the Minnesota Freedom Band’s rehearsal last night and got some footage for a short — like blink-and-you’ll-miss-it short — news piece on my — and my fellow band member, Harvey’s — participation in the Inaugural Parade next Tuesday.   Here’s a link:

I pulled down the YouTube link showing the KARE11 coverage because it was replaced with a slightly longer one that mentioned the other two local musicians, but not me — nice!  I am seriously a behind-the-scenes person who tries to avoid the limelight, so in that respect, I really don’t care, but they could at least get the story straight!!

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More Details… 10 Days to Inaugural Parade

January 11th, 2009

Well, January 20th (Inauguration Day) is now within the 10-day weather forecasting window, so I just checked the forecast for D.C.  It’s looking good with a high of 38 degrees, sunny and 0% chance of precipitation.  I sure hope that holds; that’s downright balmy compared to our current 14 degrees in Minnesota.  But, any forecast 10 days out is bound to change, so I’m not getting my hopes up too high.  In any case, we’re packing many layers and warm gear to be ready for any weather scenario.

Am I bringing a drum to play?  Silly question, maybe.  But, I am NOT bringing a drum to play.  New York City’s GLBT band (Big Apple Corps) has awesome marching percussion (as well as being a FINE marching ensemble), so they are providing most of the percussion instruments that we’ll be playing.  The drum I’ll be playing is a Pearl Championship series FFX snare drum with a Remo White Max high-tension head. Photo  NY’s BAC will also be providing the carrier.  I’ll bring drum sticks, spare sticks, stick bag, drummer’s gloves, snap-on lyre, flip folder and my music.  While I have the tunes memorized, I still want to have my music available at least for rehearsals for situations where the director says, “Let’s take it from measure 33.”  Plus, who knows, my nerves might kick in, and I’ll blank out.  I hope not, but I’d rather be prepared for anything!

OK, on another topic, Dan will be formally assisting the band during our practices and performance in D.C.  On January 28th, LGBA put out the call for volunteers — often referred to as “Band Aides” — and Dan signed up.  Along with carrying a rainbow flag as part of our field shows in Chicago for the 2006 Gay Games VII, he also was a Band Aide.  According to LGBA, in this role, he will be providing all types of assistance, including registration, uniform distribution, taking attendance, guiding folks to rehearsal locations, lunch distribution, marking the rehearsal line up, carrying equipment, loading equipment, moving supplies, rehearsal room set-up, picking up lunches, errands, etc.  We’re not certain, yet, what this means in terms of where Dan will be during the actual parade, but we are expecting to receive more details early this week via email from LGBA.

Then, I need to clarify a reference I made in an earlier post about tempo changes during the parade and, specifically, in the arrangement of Ode to Joy that we’ll be playing.  I found out the other day that we will NOT be making any tempo changes in any song or while marching to a cadence.  We are required to keep a consistent tempo of 112 beats per minute at all times.  This is per parade organizers.  And, this tempo is actually slower than the 132 and 148 at which I’ve been practicing the sped up sections of Ode to Joy.  So, I’ll have to do some practicing of Ode.. with just a metronome instead of the sound file.  I was telling Dan yesterday that playing and marching to Ode.. to the sound file several times never fails to cause me to break a sweat!


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Waiting, Practicing, Working, Planning

January 7th, 2009

This post will be a bit of a grab bag of stuff related to preparations for our trip to D.C. to march in the Inaugural Parade.

Our parade uniform will consist of silver baseball jackets — under which I will likely have many layers for warmth, black pants, black shoes, black socks black gloves and blue berets.  I purchased my jacket when I registered online to play with the LGBA.  I have black pants and socks, but am buying black Keens from REI.  They’re being sent to my local store.  I got a deal on them because it seems that REI is discontinuing the style.  I wore a pair of Keens while we were traveling in North America and Europe and loved them, so I know how they fit and what size I needed.  I have a pair of black shoes, but they are not completely black, which was stressed.  Plus, I think the occasion warrants a new pair of shoes, right?  Oh, and gloves, I ordered and just received today a pair of black, leather drummer’s gloves by Zildjian (a cymbal maker).  I don’t think they’ll be very warm if it’s really cold, but they have great grip for holding my drum sticks.  If it IS really cold, I’ll probably bring some mittens to wear while I’m waiting in the lineup for our unit to step off, and then just tuck them into a pocket or into my stick bag.  This was another purchase that I made, and one that I can use for future parades as well.  I currently only have a stick bag for concert playing.  The stick bag I’ve ordered is one that can attach to the lugs of the snare drum I’ll be playing.  That way, if I happen to drop a stick, which I did in a Holidazzle parade once — I can stay in-step and just grab another one from my bag.

I have all five tunes that we’ll be playing memorized, plus the drum cadence.  Now, I just need to run them each day to keep them in my head.  I’ve downloaded the tunes to my MP3 player so I can play along.  I go to the basement, put on a marching snare, put one song on repeat, play through it with the written music, then without the music, then while marching in place — until I am comfortable with it.  Then, I do the same with the next song, etc.  The arrangement of Ode to Joy that we’re playing has two tempo changes — faster each time — and the ending really cooks!  And, I guess it’s a good thing that it’s fast because we’ll be covering the 1.6 miles of the parade route in 25 minutes, so we’ll be moving!  Yes, the parade is timed to the minute!  However, we’ll walk at least 4 miles, start to finish, when you factor in our starting location and where we are allowed to stop after we have entirely completed the route.

Also, Dan and I decided not to make the trips out and back each in one long drive.  I have a five-hour rehearsal on Sunday that I’d rather not do on little sleep.  So, we’ll leave early Saturday, put in a long day’s drive to get us to Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania, where we’ll stay at an inexpensive bed & breakfast.  Then, we’ll drive the last few hours on Sunday morning.  On the way back, we’ll drive most of the day Wednesday, stay over at the Hostelling International Hostel in Madison and finish the trip home on Thursday.

Here’s a YouTube video of the LGBA band, including snippets from the previous inaugural and other performances.  It’s kind of cool:

And, finally, the local band that I’m a member of, the Minnesota Freedom Band, will be presenting it’s annual dance concert in February.  We began rehearsing again on Monday after the holiday break.  The theme of this dance concert will be USO Tour and will feature music selections from the WW II era.  For more information and tickets, check out the band’s website:


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Yea – I Now Have All the Music for the Parade!

December 31st, 2008

This morning I received the link to download the cadence that we’ll be using for the parade.  For those not familiar with marching terms, this is what the drum line plays and what the band marches to between songs.  The cadence is very similar to the one we used in New York City for the Village Parade; drum line coordinators substituted the first four measures with four measures from DC Different Drummers’ cadence.  DCDD is Washington D.C.’s local lesbian and gay band.  So, now I can make sure I have the cadence down and can play it in my sleep!

I continue to work on the other music.  Both Ode to Joy and Hold On… have tricky sections that I’m working through.  And, I’ve started to play along with the sound files provided by LGBA.  I set our laptop on my music stand, plug in some earphones and set one of the songs to repeat over and over.  I play it with the music out and, then, put the music away and try to play it from memory.  I’ve already come a long way, but still have work to do.

Also, here’s a shameless plug for LGBA, the group I’ll be marching with.  While we each paid a registration fee and are paying for our own transportation and accommodations, it certainly doesn’t cover all our expenses.  Read on…

If you plan on donating to LGBA in support of our Inaugural performance, you might want to write that check today.  A check today counts for your 2008 tax deductions, so act now!

We are raising money for a number of things needed for our Inaugural Parade performance:


A new banner…$400.

Hand warmers…$200.

Lunch at rehearsal…$1800.

Busses for parade day…$7000.

LGBA is extremely honored to be part of this historic event, and we hope you will consider making a donation, while we make history together.  Donating is easy through paypal at .

Thank you for helping us march into history!

Judy Ames

LGBA Inaugural Event Co-chair



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Is Dan Marching?

December 28th, 2008

My partner, Dan, has become more and more involved with the Minnesota Freedom Band and the LGBA national group over the years that I’ve been a member.  The first time I recall him performing with us was when the MFB hosted the national group and we marched in Superior, Wisconsin for their Pride parade and, then, at the State Fair.  Dan was in the colorguard, which twirls colored flags in choreographed routines to the music being played by the band.  He has also marched with the MFB in Minneapolis Pride parades and Holidazzle parades, wearing a variety of “hats,” including colorguard, sleigh bell player and, recently, tri-tom player.  He marched with “Team Band” on Soldier and Wrigley fields for Gay Games VII in Chicago, carrying one of the rainbow flags.  And, this past October, Dan was in the colorguard for LGBA’s performance in NYC’s Halloween Village Parade.  This parade probably represented the most involved role he has played.  Colorguard organizers sent a training video that taught the routines to all five of the songs we would play in the parade.  Dan played the video on our laptop and learned and practiced the routines using a broom to simulate a flag — first, in our office/music room and, then, out in our back yard, where he had plenty of room to twirl and didn’t have to worry about knocking stuff over or off the walls!  Dan also helped out the MFB’s percussion section in November, playing tympani and accessories, when our numbers dwindled to just a couple for our most recent indoor concert.  The section could not have successfully pulled off the pieces we did without his help; THANKS, DAN!

So, we tried to register him to be a member of the colorguard but, alas, the available slots filled before we could get him in.  But, we’ll both still be traveling to DC.  Given the high cost of flights, we’ll be driving out to DC.  The 20th lands on a Tuesday, and I have Monday, the 19th off for MLK Day.  So, that gives us the weekend to drive out in time for my first rehearsal on Sunday, from 1 pm to 6 pm.  Then, I’ll take Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off from work to allow time to travel home.   We’ll be staying in Fairfax, Virginia, at a hotel just 5 miles from a Metro train stop.  So, we’ll be able to park at the train station and take the train into DC for rehearsals and the parade.

Other Details

All participants in the parade will, not surprisingly, undergo a background check by the U.S. Secret Service.

The 2009 inaugural parade will begin at the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building and proceed along Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House.  The route is about 2 miles in length.

We will be marching using a 28″ stride, which is mandated by the government to allow as many bands as possible to pass the reviewing stand.  This stride is longer than most bands use.  Typically, a stride of “8 steps to 5 yards” is used.  When I do the calculation for comparison, this would be a stride of 22.5 inches.


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I’m Marching in the Inaugural Parade!

December 26th, 2008

Well, Dan and I will be traveling again in January.  No, we won’t be gone for five months again (although, that sounds like fun).  We’ll actually only be gone for about five days.  But, the event I’ll be participating in will be a momentous one — at many levels.

On January 20th, 2009, the United States of America will be swearing in a new president. But, this is not just the next president in a line of many — the 44th, to be exact.  This is a president in whom the American people have put their trust to take the country in a new, very different and much better direction than that of the previous eight years.  This is a president who understands that our relationships with countries around the world have suffered because of the arrogant, go-it-alone policies of the previous eight years.  This is a president who realizes the enormity of the climate change crisis.  This is a president who is determined to tackle the issue of our broken health care system, with its skyrocketing costs and high numbers of people who are uninsured.  This is a president who is committed to representing ALL Americans.  This will be the United States’ first black president.

OK, get to the punch…  I will be marching in Barack Obama’s Inaugural Parade!  I will be marching with the Lesbian and Gay Band Association (LGBA).  It will be the first time an openly gay group has marched in an inaugural parade.  We will be one of fewer than 50 marching bands chosen from nearly 1400 applying bands.  Here’s a link to an article by a local online news source.

The LGBA is a group consisting of gay marching and concert bands from around the country and the world.  I have been a member of our local band here in Minnesota called the Minnesota Freedom Band since 2002.  I first performed with the LGBA when our local band hosted the national group in 2003 and we marched in the Duluth/Superior Pride Parade and at the Minnesota State Fair.  In 2006, I performed with the group during Gay Games VII in Chicago.  “Team Band” performed a field show on Soldier Field for the opening ceremonies, a concert at the Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park, and during the closing ceremonies at Wrigley Field.  GGVII Photos  And, in October of this year (2008), I marched with the group in New York City’s Halloween Village Parade.  NYC Photos

When I found out that the LGBA had been invited to march in the parade (December 6), I was elated!  But, our marching contingent would be limited by parade organizers to 177 people.  I would need to register for one of these slots.  More precisely, I would need to register for one of the 17 percussion slots.  And, specifically, I was hoping to fill one of the eight snare drum positions because that’s what I usually play for marching.

Registering to secure a slot in the marching contingent was nerve-racking, with the large number of people trying to register on the originally-scheduled evening (December 9) crashing the registration website.  After hanging close to the computer for over an hour, organizers postponed registration until the following day (December 10), when they had each section of the band register at a different time over the course of the day (tubas at 11 am, percussion at noon, etc.).  I took an early lunch, told my boss that I would be registering to march in the Inaugural Parade at noon and asked not to be disturbed at this time; he was understanding.  Even after I finished the registration process online, I don’t think I got a whole lot done at work until I received the email confirming my place in the band.  I was IN!!

On Monday of this week (December 22) I received the link to download the music that we’ll be playing in the parade.  Here are the pieces:

1. Washington Post March – John Philip Sousa
2. Manhattan Beach March – John Philip sousa
3. Ode to Joy – Ludwig Van Beethoven, arr. Tom Wallace/Tony McCutchen
4. A Brand New Day, from The Wiz – Luther Vandross, arr. Victor Lopez/Anthony Falcone
5. Hold On I’m Comin’ – Isaac Hayes/David Porter, arr. Tom Wallace/Tony McCutchen

I’ve played Washington Post before, so I practiced and memorized that one and the other Sousa march on Tuesday.  The marches are straight-forward, but I’ll need to spend more of my time on the other three pieces, which are more complex.  Wednesday morning I was busy making pies for Christmas dinner at my parents’ home in Shakopee.  We traveled to Shakopee that afternoon and returned last night (Thursday).

This morning (Fri, 12/26) while waiting for my bread to rise/bake, I played through Brand New Day and Ode to Joy, working out some of the more difficult sections.  It’s looking like I’ll be spending the most time on Ode to Joy.

I’ll try to update this blog on my preparations and trip to DC.


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