Yea – I Now Have All the Music for the Parade!
Wednesday, December 31st, 2008This morning I received the link to download the cadence that we’ll be using for the parade. For those not familiar with marching terms, this is what the drum line plays and what the band marches to between songs. The cadence is very similar to the one we used in New York City for the Village Parade; drum line coordinators substituted the first four measures with four measures from DC Different Drummers’ cadence. DCDD is Washington D.C.’s local lesbian and gay band. So, now I can make sure I have the cadence down and can play it in my sleep!
I continue to work on the other music. Both Ode to Joy and Hold On… have tricky sections that I’m working through. And, I’ve started to play along with the sound files provided by LGBA. I set our laptop on my music stand, plug in some earphones and set one of the songs to repeat over and over. I play it with the music out and, then, put the music away and try to play it from memory. I’ve already come a long way, but still have work to do.
Also, here’s a shameless plug for LGBA, the group I’ll be marching with. While we each paid a registration fee and are paying for our own transportation and accommodations, it certainly doesn’t cover all our expenses. Read on…
If you plan on donating to LGBA in support of our Inaugural performance, you might want to write that check today. A check today counts for your 2008 tax deductions, so act now!
We are raising money for a number of things needed for our Inaugural Parade performance:
A new banner…$400.
Hand warmers…$200.
Lunch at rehearsal…$1800.
Busses for parade day…$7000.
LGBA is extremely honored to be part of this historic event, and we hope you will consider making a donation, while we make history together. Donating is easy through paypal at .
Thank you for helping us march into history!
Judy Ames
LGBA Inaugural Event Co-chair