Heard of schmap.com??
Earlier this week I received an email letting me know that two of my photos on my Flickr site have been short-listed for inclusion in the Schmap New York Guide, to be published in late March. I wouldn’t receive royalties or anything like that, but my photos, if selected, would be credited to me. Kind of cool, huh?
The Schmap guides appear to be really cool. One can download the various city guides at no charge, and they’re very interactive with tons of information.
Here are the two photos of mine that they selected. The first is a shot of the Ed Sullivan Theater, current home of the Late Show with David Letterman, and the second is a shot taken while we were waiting to take the Staten Island Ferry over to — guess where — Staten Island! Critiquing my own photos based on framing, lighting, interest, etc., these are not photos that I would have picked, but if they work for Schmap.com’s purposes, that would be fine with me! (Although, I do kind of like how I caught the scrolling “welcome” message board at the terminal even if you can’t see all of the word, welcome.)
Tags: new york, photos, Pre-Trip
Hey Tim!
Congrats!! That’s fantastic, and they’re great photos!
Thanks, Amy! I’m crossing my fingers that they’ll be selected, and I’ll post when I find out.