Wedded Bliss
So now we’re married! And it has completely changed our outlook on life and we feel totally different. Um, yeah – I guess it would be different if we hadn’t actually lived with each other for 3 years.
So the wedding was really fun! I mean, really, it’s Vegas. How could it not be fun! John and I started the week on a Monday with intentions of getting our license and all that stuff. Well, that got thrown out the window when we instead decided to go to the Rio and get these mud-wrap things. Okay, I’m not really into that kind of stuff, but it was pretty fun. Not something I’d probably do again but it was fun. A lot cleaner than I thought it would be – I for some reason had it in my head that it would be a lot messier. Like pig pen messy.
The next day we picked up John’s mom and Aunt Geneva! Hooray! I felt really bad for the guy that owned the suitcase that was dripping red wine while we were waiting for their luggage at baggage claim. Note to self – not a good idea to pack wine. Anyway, over the next 2 days we went to the Hoover Dam (kind of huge!), got our marriage license (we didn’t even need ID!), saw the Fremont Street Experience light show dealie like 10 times, saw more Hawaiians then in Hawaii (you know when spam and eggs is on a menu that it’s catering towards those from the 50th state!), ate at In-and-Out-Burger (overrated – not sure what all the fuss is about), saw Mystere (and had dessert for dinner – can you say yum!) and a bunch of other things I can’t remember…
On Thursday we moved to the strip from downtown Vegas – we met up with Steve, Kerry and Kerry’s mom and then later my parents showed up. On Friday my friends showed up! So excited to see everyone! Spent some quality girl time watching Sheila get her hair and makeup trial done for her wedding in May that we can’t go to because we’ll be bopping around the world by then (sob!) with Sus and Jen. That night a bunch of us met up at the Monte Carlo brewpub – had a couple of shots of something called a red-headed stepsister – very sweet – and Jean was kind enough to bring a hurricane from the MGM for us to try out – oh and of course there were brews – John ordered a bunch of appetizers for all of us – I think Ro and I almost finished off a bucket of shrimp by ourselves! John and I walked Ro home to the Trop and decided to detour and see where we were getting married the next day (does that not sound typical of us – hello, we’d be in Vegas a week and hadn’t seen where we were getting married)…we were pleasantly surprised…the website pics don’t do justice…
Saturday – the day of our wedding. Sheila, Sus and Jen and I cabbed it down to the Tropicana where Breena and Ro were staying – very handy since that’s where we were getting married – Ro was kind of enough to do my hair – I think she was kind of appalled that I was thinking of walking down the aisle with air-dried hair – and hurray – Breena was there! Her plane was delayed the night before so we didn’t get to see her until that day. Anyway, I had to call John because I had forgotten: my necklace, our rings, our wedding license – luckily he was coming with his mom and aunt a little later…ANYWAY…it was a lovely ceremony…short, to the point and not too serious
(except for the overly religious connotations)…and the buffet at the Mandalay was really good…after much debate over where we should eat lunch a few months ago we just decided to go with what we knew – although we’d never eaten at the buffet we’d eaten at a couple of other restaurants in there so we figured – by osmosis it would be good? After chatting it up with our fun friends and family for a while, Ro, Breena, John and I decided to go take pics at different places. Don’t know what the heck I was thinking – I NEVER WEAR HEELS – and I was wearing ones that were really tall – after the Monte Carlo pics
and Bellagio I crapped out – no way I was walking any further. So with promises to meet up with everyone later we went back to the IP to rest a bit. After that we went to dinner and then went out drinking/gambling/singing at Harrah’s – fun end to a wonderful day!
I’m really going to miss everyone! I’m getting teary-eyed just writing this right now. But life is too short to not live our dreams – and our dream is to see the world and find ourselves. I think everyone at the wedding understands us well-enough to know that this is something we have to do.
Tags: las vegas, Misc, wedding
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