We sold our car!
Sunday, February 4th, 2007Yesterday, Saturday Feb. 3, we sold my 1995 Toyota Corolla. Which is kind of weird since this car (and other moving objects) spurned on “the big trip”. A couple of years ago we decided to get a new car. So we went shopping for one. After visiting a few dealerships I turned to John and said, “if we buy this car, we won’t be able to go around the world”.
He just about killed me. We had visited this subject and had decided not to do it, mostly because I have lived in a box for so many years and that would require me to actually climb out of the box. I mean, let’s get real, I had moved to Seattle when I was a kid with my parents and, except for going to Pullman for a few years to go to school, had never really left this area. And ditching most of our stuff and travelling for a couple of years is not only requiring me to climb out of the box, but to break it down, flatten it out and toss it in a recycling bin.
So that’s how the whole planning of our trip began.
And now we’ve sold the car. And we move out of the apartment in 2 weeks and move in with my parents.
May the adventure begin very soon!