BootsnAll Travel Network

Watch your stuff!

So we´re on our way to Turrialba from San Jose and we realized we were marked from the beginning of our bus journey. The woman sitting next to us at the bus station seemed friendly enough, but apparently, not so much. When we went to get on the bus, I noticed that my detachable daypack was hanging by one strap of 4. So someone unsuccessfully decided I didn´t need my pack.

But thats when the fun started… when we went to getting off the bus I got off and then waited for John – this group of people successfully separated us by letting me off and then causing a commotion by dropping change and such – this woman managed to get our camera – John figured it out really quick by noticing his zippers and took off after her after dropping his backpack with me. Eventually she dropped the camera under a car (she didn´t think he wasn´t going to figure it out) after denying the whole thing the police showed up and we filed a police report. The sad part about the whole thing is that she included her son and other people in this scheme…

Anyway, we won´t let this spoil our trip but it definitely made us more conscious!


One response to “Watch your stuff!”

  1. KC & Stakit says:

    Yikes! Did you get everything else back?

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