Two more days…
In Phnom Penh – we didn’t do much; hit the internet cafe; hit a couple more Wats; went to the Central Market (which was huge) – it’s kind of funny here but you can get a brand-spanking new Lonely Planet here which retails for 22 USD for the rock-bottom price of 5 USD. Probably cheaper, but that’s what we got quoted. John wanted to get one but I was like, we’re only going to be here 2 weeks and 1 week plus will be at Angkor Wat so I didn’t see any sense – I would rather get one that just focuses on Angkor Wat if anything…but yeah, it was hard to beat 5 USD. We also bought a few DVD series…since TV hasn’t been, well, hello, we’re in other countries!
We also went to this mall-type area. John had read about this a couple of years ago where this was the first escalator in the country. And people were riding it like, well, a ride. Disneyland comes to a Cambodian mall. The only reason we even remembered this story was that there were still people (although, I’m sure, not to the same extent) riding the escalator like it was a foreign thing. It’s kind of amazing the stuff we take for granted. Amazing what a 1 hour plane ride will take you.
Anyway, we also booked our bus to Siem Reap. To see something on my top-10 list. And to see where Tomb Raider was filmed. Okay, slight exaggeration, but it did make Angkor look pretty darn cool. This was something I was looking forward to this entire trip…
Tags: Cambodia, RTW Trip, siem reap
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