BootsnAll Travel Network

Really shouldn’t…

Put off writing this blog. And really shouldn’t sell the Taiwan book in exchange for the Thailand book before you have gotten all the places we’ve been out of the Taiwan book. Because, now, I have no clue where the heck we’d been. Plus, John has told me I missed a bunch of places but I don’t see him picking up a keyboard and typing (which would actually be kind of funny since his grammar skills leave A LOT to be desired).

Anyway, I can only remember bits and pieces of the rest of our trip – like Kevin took us all out to Dim-Sum…gotta love a 24-hour Dim-Sum restaurant. I was kind of surprised it didn’t really taste that different from American Dim-Sum (well, you know what I mean). Could it be that something is actually semi-authentic tasting? Nah, that doesn’t make sense.

We also decided to take the train up north to a town that of course escapes my memory (edit: Keelung) but had this really kickin’ Buddhist temple built into a cave. And to get to part of the temple you had to stoop to go through. Mom and Dad decided to pass on that one. And then there was this other one that had this huge Buddhist footprint on the ceiling. Okay, it might not actually have been his but, really, who knows?

So, I’ve decided to just post this entry so it will stay in chronological order so I can post about Cambodia and come back and edit this one later…

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