Whine, whine, oops, I mean wine, wine…
Thursday, May 24th, 2007Hello all! Internet has been few and far between as we head north and probably will be fewer and even farther between. I even bought a notebook to do a handwritten journal since I’m not sure when we’ll be able to get on!
Anyway, Stellenbosch was awesome! I mean, really, where can you go wrong with wine and decent food? It’s a small town like an hour by train outside of Cape Town and there’s like 120 some-odd wineries. And then there’s all the neighboring towns that have a gazillion more.
So we went on this hop-on hop-off bus winery deal. First off, it’s kind of weird because they charge for tasting. Hello, isn’t the point of the try and buy? Anyway, we learned that some of the wines we get in the states are done by several wineries combining their product together until they find a palatable combination and then marketing it under a different name. So, we were looking for a particular winery but the winery didn’t actually exist. Kind of lame but just to get their product overseas a lot of the wineries are too small.
Anyway, we tried several different kinds of wine, and had quite a few glasses of wine. And it was quite ironic that we stayed at a hostel called the Stumble Inn. But we really did stumble home one night!