BootsnAll Travel Network

Angkor Temples – Day 3

So today we rented bicycles.  We were so happy to be on bicycles.  They were a bit shady bicycles but they had brakes.  And 2 gears.  (Natalie didn’t test the bicycle she had and her brakes didn’t work very well – luckily it’s pretty flat).

We decided since we hadn’t been on bikes for a while to have an easy day.  That plan didn’t work out too well.

We started at Prasat Kravan.  We decided not to hit Angkor Wat yet since we wanted to be able to appreciate the other ones before we saw the “Temple to end all Temples”.  This was another Vishnu temple with 5 brick towers.

Next we went to a small, off the main road one called Bat Chum.  Which looked almost exactly like Prasat Kravan except for it was in a bit more disrepair.  But it had 2 cute little girls there that were trying to sell the obligatory “10 postcards – 1 dollar”.  They also were selling bracelets.  They had 3 of them.  I liked one of them and so John asked how much.  I’m not sure if they were every asked that so we gave them a dollar and they seemed to be pretty happy with that.

All of the temples have these little kids/adults selling stuff.  Most of the kids sell scarves, bracelets, postcards, wooden flutes (which they all play for you when they’re trying to sell them) while the adults are trying to sell bigger items like t-shirts and guidebooks.  Kind of annoying but a fact of life when you’re in a poor country at a tourist destination.  Oh, and all of them have overpriced food stalls and pineapple hawkers (“lady, pineapple?”).

Next was Banteay Kdei.  There are these huge heads on the top of each entrance (4 entrances N,S,E,W).  Across from it was Sras Srang – this reservoir that was kind of pretty.

Next was Pre Rup.  And East Mebon.  These are pyramid looking ones that were pretty darn cool looking.

Here’s where things start to get, well, probably not very smart for John and Cindy.  We decided to see 3 more temples.  Unfortunately they were 5 km (over 2 miles) between East Mebon and the next one, Banteay Samre and then 5 km to Phnom Bok and then 5 km to Chau Srei Vibol.  Plus we had to come back.  I’m sure you can do the math taking into account these were kind of shady bikes.

But, we went anyway.  Banteay Samre was a huge one that had these really coolly restored elephants on the corners of the temple.  The ones we had seen so far didn’t have trunks but these were not trunc-ated (haha).

On the way to Banteay Samre we stopped off to buy some bananas.  The woman didn’t speak English and we were trying to buy 3 bananas.  We couldn’t get our point across so we just gave up and asked how much for the whole bunch (like 10-12 bananas).  She ran off to get her bag to show us how much…1000 riel.  25 cents.  We’re like – how can you argue with that.  We ended up eating a couple and giving the rest away to some of the kids.

Then we went to Phnom Bok.  This one we had to climb up at fairly large hill to get to.  Over 500 steps.  Not very well restored but apparently used as some kind of military development because it had these huge cannons hanging out on the hill.  The view was MAGNIFICENT!  You could see for miles (since it’s so flat).  This was one of our favorite spots.  Plus, bonus, no neon-hatted tour groups.  I don’t really mind tour groups (John would disagree with me on this one) but they’re just so loud.  Especially the big Asian ones where it seems like they need to shout at one another constantly.  I did see this one thing my dad would like – a tour group that had earphones on and their tour guide was speaking into a microphone.  That way the guide didn’t have to shout that loud for all his guidees to hear.  I’ve been on some of these tours and unless you’re standing next to the guy all you hear is that Charlie Brown “buwabuwabumablweess”.

Next was Chau Srei Vibol.  Which we should have skipped.  It was totally lame.  And 10 km round-trip.  Along a pretty bad road.  We got stopped by a nice man on a motorbike that was wondering where the heck we were going (since it was quite apparent we were kind of off the main tourist track).  He tried to convince us to rent his services for the next day to go 3 hours on motorbike to this other temple.  I would have rather have died.  I didn’t like 2 hours on a tuk-tuk let alone 3 hours on a motorbike.  But there were tons of kids along the road who yell “hello, what’s your name?”- which is usually the extent of their English – John loves to mess with the kids.  I guess that’s what happens when you’re just a big kid yourself.
This was also kind of funny.  We stopped for 2 small waters.  We gave her 1,000 Riels.  25 cents.  It didn’t seem like enough but she wouldn’t take any more.  Later on we stopped for 2 more small waters (when you’re going 50 km in a day you’re drinking a ton of water).  1 dollar.  So we figured it all rounded out.

The trip back SUCKED.  We were tired, feeling dumb for taking on that long of a bike ride on the first day and our butts were on FIRE!  We had to stop a bunch of times just to let our butts cool down.  Thank goodness we had splurged for hot water (our Phnom Penh one had only cold water) – it never felt so good.

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