After our fun camera problems, the police dropped us off at Hotel InterAmericano
– a clean place run by an English-speaking woman with 3 very cute dogs – when we expressed our desire to go river-rafting she called up her friend at Loco Tours and he came over in a few minutes to set us up, but we got the rafting for 65 dollars per person which is cheap because it usally runs around $100. It´s kind of interesting to hear from a local view of the economic situation in Costa Rica as well as what they think of the American political situation. We were kind of amazed that she got HBO and things like that too. I mean, I know it´s not the boondocks, but you can´t get cable in some parts of the US let alone several countries south of the US. The guy at Loco Tours was cracking up because he doesn’t really pay attention to US politics but when he went up to do a rafting tour at the grand canyon and found out that Arnie was governor of California he thought we’d all lost it!
Turrialba Centro,
originally uploaded by cirrusjohn.
We ended up going on a tour with a bunch of crazy co-workers at a local company down the Rio Pacuare – it was unbelievably fun although we’ve come to the conclusion that neither one of us is superfond of water. The whole drowning aspect kind of blows, But of course we’d do it again ) It definitely took the edge off of the day before. It had the most beautiful scenery -they had these pulleys that you can cross the water with in a little basket -apparently used mostly by the native indians in the area to cross the river.John meet the other person name John who was going to Madagascar and advised us to use the Air Mad to travel around in the country because getting from one small destination to another may take 30-60 hrs.His website takes about his up coming trip http://www.seasaba.com/ which will happen at the same time that were thinking about going.
Cin and John
Tags: Costa Rica
The rafting sounds Fun! and HBO?! Wow! … we don’t even have that!