Sushi in Vancouver
So it all started with a craving for Sushi by John. And a lunch date with Ro. And it all escalated in us going with Ro to Vancouver to have Sushi last Sunday.
Okay, so that’s not all we did. We got to Vancouver after a short layover at the Canadian border. With the border crossing guy thinking I was a total dumbass because I said I lived in the United States. So I was supposed to be more specific and tell him I was from Seattle. Yes, it’s a big place. But if you go to any other country they never ask me which city I’m from. So shoot me.
Anyway, we parked in a garage for the day and started walking toward Stanley Park.
And saw floats. And boobs. Naked boobs. And almost naked men. Hmmm – we came to the conclusion that we might have stumbled upon Vancouver’s gay pride parade. And I had forgotten that Canada is not as demure as Washington where girls have to wear pasties and men can’t take it all off. We saw a very entertaining Transvestite with boobs that circulated to music. Anyway, after a quick snack and a quick viewing of the start of the parade we went off to Stanley Park on bicycles. Ro was in heaven. Every 1/2 mile or so was a photo-op. The coolest thing I think we saw was this guy that was spending the day stacking rocks in these crazy positions – something about centering in life.
We ended Stanley Park with a dip in this cool pool off of 2nd beach – heavily chlorinated but very fun – with slides and such – Ro and John were like 2 kids in a candy store – they could have gone down that slide all day.
We ended our day in Vancouver with sushi at this all you can eat Sushi place and then gelato. Glorious gelato. I got pink grapefruit and milk chocolate. Did I mention that I love gelato? Yum.
But alas, our day of fun had to come to an end. And it started at the border. 1 1/2 hours of waiting. And then the rest of the drive down to Seattle. But it could not bring down our glorious day in Vancouver.
Tags: Vancouver
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