Msrednose report
Okay a few more updates on online dating:
* One man wrote to me without sarting off with winking he just email me and said ” You are so pretty! Do you want to have coffee?”
* another man winked at me and he is in Iraq for 6 more months and is a strict conservetive and a christian. I wonder what we have in common.
* Another man winked at me froma small litttle town in South Carolina and states he is willing to move if he finds the ‘one”
Wow the one. My friend and I have been talking about that, the one. Isn’t it interesting how much we as a society and as women been programed to think there is the one and that we should hurry and get married to him because he is the one. I am not against finding a love and wanting a commitment in any way, I actually believe in it. It’s just how hazed and glossed over we are with the words the one and the idea of marriage we may not even know the perrson for who they really are. I think we lie to ourselves alot in this catergory.
Be adults and come to the table with who you really are instead of who you think you should be for someone else. Who do you want to be for yourself! Yah I know easier said than done.But still we should demand that of ourselves. Be real.
And online dating continues……
Tags: Travel
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