Smiles without Guile?
Friday, November 30th, 2007The enchanting land of Thailand, is truly a beautiful country. Palm lined beaches, beautiful green countryside, majestic hills and mountains, bustling cities and idyllic villages. The people are gentle, welcoming and kind, a raised voice is seldom heard.
I was flying out from Bangkok and discussing the virtues of the ‘Land of Smiles’ with a young Finnish gentleman, Ari. Ari has been living in Thailand for five years studying and co-directing a liquor importing business in Bangkok. He has three degrees and is now studying for a masters. At the age of 17 he was diagnosed with leukemia and managed to survive. He has since traveled much of the world and leads a remarkably interesting life. He has an aversion to cold weather and like many Finns I have met, has a deep and abiding affection for hard liquor.
We settled into our fourth Remy Martin that he had managed to secure from the smiling but now guarded eyed flight attendant as we flew over Bangladesh. He relayed the story of a Canadian, Steve (not his real name), who, while holidaying in Thailand fell in love with a beautiful Thai lady. He returned to Canada but found that he had left his heart behind. He made arrangements to return and love blossomed. He sold all his belongings in Canada and settled into a new life with his beautiful partner and domiciled himself in Thailand. They were soon married and he used the small but significant equity he had from his former home in Canada to purchase a new home in a nice area not far from a beach. His Thai bride was truly happy. After several months of post wedding bliss a disturbing trend emerged. Many of Steve’s wife’s friends would turn up and stay for days on end and there were many parties with much alcohol consumed. Steve became uncomfortable with the situation and attempted to address the matter with his bride of a few months. An argument followed and Steve was stabbed with a pair of scissors just above his knee. He sought medical attention, received multiple stitches and after discharge from hospital returned home. His wife was in no mood to discuss the incident with him and proceeded to stab him with a knife in the site of the still healing wound, this time much more serious damage was inflicted and Ari told me that Steve was still limping six months after the stabbing. Ain’t love grand! When you are able Steve I suggest that you RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.
Of course not all Thai woman are like Steve’s wife. The Bangkok Post tells the story of how a Thai Policeman went out to dinner with an escort, near the end of the evening, the escort refused to have her photograph taken with the Police Officer, she instead insisted on leaving on her own and began to walk home. The Police officer, with two of his work colleagues followed her, cornered her in an alley and hacked her arm off at the elbow. After three years of investigation it was still being determined by the Police whether charges were to be laid against the Officer. The Police Chief did state that ‘Charges were likely’. Some of the men are handy with a knife too!