Goree Island, Dakar, and Thies
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005Bonjour,
Sunday, we spent the day on Goree Island for a special event. Commemoration of the slave trade with traditional dancing. Met an interesting young couple on vacation from Paris. It was very nice and the weather has been excellent!!!!!!
Back to Dakar…This is a new monument on the Corniche (a boulevard running along the Atlantic coast in Dakar). It is called ‘The Door to the Millenium’. Quite attractive don’t you think?
Monday, I went to the Sandaga marchè to buy fabric. Bargaining wore me out, but i think i got good prices. Off to find a good tailor to make me a jacket and a suit.
Today, Tuesday, we are visiting families in Thies, where I lived for 2 yrs. Visited the Dieng’s, the Diagnes, the Diops, the Salls, and District Hospital.
We just left dinner at Yvette’s. The kids are no longer kids. Adja is 24 and Bolo is 18 and entering college!
If you notice strange typos it’s because the keyboards are French and the letters are in different places.
Tomorrow I,m going to visit Robinson House in Sampathe. Don,t know what I’ll find.
Visited Robinson House, Center for Albinos at Sampathe this morning. The center has expanded somewhat. Moussa was on duty today.
When we built the center seven years ago, it was out in no man’s land. There was nothing else out there. Today, it was difficult locating the center. There’s a community built around it. Houses everywhere; there’s even a new college within view of the center! Thies is movin’ on up!
A tout a l’heure…
…sorry, this computer doesn’t have a USB port for photos. And it is 100 degrees inside the cybercafe!!!!!!!!