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Archive for September, 2006

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2006 Cascade African Film Festival- Portland, Oregon

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

This was my second visit to this wonderful film festival. Bobbie is the gracious host and is a committee member of the festival. Cascade brings award-winning African filmakers from around the world to showcase their work.

Film Festival Reception  Film Festival reception. Me with Bobbie (far right) and friends.

Sara and Linda  With Sara Rashad, Egyptian film director of “Tahara”.


Yes, I love mountains Yes, I love mountains…these were taken in the air over Idaho and Oregon. (Mt. Baker)

sunvalleymtn.jpg Sun Valley

US Open Tennis 2006

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

Finally made it to Flushing Meadows, NY for the Open this year. There was rain but Sunday was a beautiful day. The games were great…saw Serena, also Blake. There were just too many people. Also visited historic St. Albans, NY.

ASHEStadiumblog.jpg Linda in Ashe Stadium

venuslindablog.jpg  Venus!?…not really

serenablog.jpg  Serena on the big screen