BootsnAll Travel Network

Scenes from Dakar and le Petit Cote

These are photos from various locations.

moutonroast.JPG Two muttons (goats) being roasted for a Tam-Tam (traditional dance celebration) later that evening at a restaurant on le Petit Cote. (CLICK ON THUMBNAILS TO VIEW LARGER PICTURES)

Restaurant This is the hotel restaurant that hosted the Tam Tam Wednesday evening, attended by 75-100 locals and tourists, around the swimming pool.

Atlantic Ocean view A breathtaking view of the Atlantic Ocean from the Corniche in Dakar

Friends visit Because my stay was short, I was unable to travel to visit everyone. However, I was so pleased when some of my friends travelled to Dakar to visit me on Friday. From left to right is Mame Diarra from Bargny, friend of Khadim’s, Khadim from Thies, and Yvette from Thies. It was great getting together again for updates.


5 responses to “Scenes from Dakar and le Petit Cote”

  1. Martha says:

    Look like you have a wonderful stay. I know that your heart is in Senegal. Stop fighting it!Everything look so beautiful, you look healthy and happy. Thanks for sending me your travel blog. I am not going to comment on each section, but I review them all.

    You need more time in Senegal!

    Love Martha

  2. Rachel says:

    These are awesome pictures. Everything is so vibrant and filled with amazing color. I’m surprised you didn’t extend your visa and stay longer!

  3. Rachel says:

    The church is beautiful. It is quite sobering to see Catholicism/Christianity being expressed in this manner in Senegal. By in large this is a Muslim nation?

  4. admin says:

    Yes, Senegal’s population is about 90% Muslim. It is one of the more tolerant Muslim countries that embraces people of all faiths. Mind you, these Muslims are serious about their religion. They pray 5 times a day: at dawn, midday, late afternoon, at dusk and at night. You will observe them praying at mosques, at home, on the streets, etc. And it seems that the Catholics and Protestants are equally devout. In urban areas of Senegal today, you will see families that have both Muslim and Christian members.
    Times are-a-changing!

  5. Tabi says:

    Hey Linda,nrI enjoyed your pictures. I miss Senegal. I’ve got to go back soon, husband or not!

  6. admin says:

    Next time I go, hope you’ll come along. Folks in Dakar and Matam will be happy to see you. Think about it.

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