BootsnAll Travel Network

Scenes from Dakar and le Petit Cote

December 16th, 2006

These are photos from various locations.

moutonroast.JPG Two muttons (goats) being roasted for a Tam-Tam (traditional dance celebration) later that evening at a restaurant on le Petit Cote. (CLICK ON THUMBNAILS TO VIEW LARGER PICTURES)

Restaurant This is the hotel restaurant that hosted the Tam Tam Wednesday evening, attended by 75-100 locals and tourists, around the swimming pool.

Atlantic Ocean view A breathtaking view of the Atlantic Ocean from the Corniche in Dakar

Friends visit Because my stay was short, I was unable to travel to visit everyone. However, I was so pleased when some of my friends travelled to Dakar to visit me on Friday. From left to right is Mame Diarra from Bargny, friend of Khadim’s, Khadim from Thies, and Yvette from Thies. It was great getting together again for updates.


Baptism in Dakar

December 15th, 2006

Catholic church church door church3.JPG Attended a baptism ceremony on Saturday. Delia, the baby of Antonin and wife, was baptised along with about 7 babies at Catholic church in Dakar. (click on thumnails for larger images) 


 Baptism dinner celebration chez Jacques    Baptism dinner celebration later that evening chez Jacques. Yvette and the girls definitely have a flair for ‘presentation’ wouldn’t you agree? Everything was displayed so beautifully.  



Fruit drinks   Display of fruit juices.



The meal   About 100 guests, family and friends lining up for the buffet dinner.    

I enjoy looking at Senegalese women’s fashions at these fetes (haute couture!)

Fashionable Senegalese women  Baby Delia’s Mom, to the right

Monique, Linda and Titine  Monique, Linda and Titine


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2006 Senegal Vacation

December 4th, 2006

I arrived safely in Dakar after a layover in Paris on Thursday. It is Monday morning and I have gotten into the slower pace of the Senegalese. I am completely “de-stressed” after removing my watch and taking long naps!
We’re travelling to Le Petit Cote tomorrow and back to Dakar on Thursday for a baptism.
Saturday night’s concert at the Daniel Soreno Theatre was awesome. It is called the “Oscars” for all genres of choral groups: Christian, Muslim, traditional, military, etc.
The FOIRE is here. It is a weeklong commercial exposition of items (art, fabric, fashions, furniture, appliances, etc.) from many countries. Hopefully, I can get there one day this week.
(will post pictures later)

Bonne journee!

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2006 Cascade African Film Festival- Portland, Oregon

September 28th, 2006

This was my second visit to this wonderful film festival. Bobbie is the gracious host and is a committee member of the festival. Cascade brings award-winning African filmakers from around the world to showcase their work.

Film Festival Reception  Film Festival reception. Me with Bobbie (far right) and friends.

Sara and Linda  With Sara Rashad, Egyptian film director of “Tahara”.


Yes, I love mountains Yes, I love mountains…these were taken in the air over Idaho and Oregon. (Mt. Baker)

sunvalleymtn.jpg Sun Valley

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US Open Tennis 2006

September 27th, 2006

Finally made it to Flushing Meadows, NY for the Open this year. There was rain but Sunday was a beautiful day. The games were great…saw Serena, also Blake. There were just too many people. Also visited historic St. Albans, NY.

ASHEStadiumblog.jpg Linda in Ashe Stadium

venuslindablog.jpg  Venus!?…not really

serenablog.jpg  Serena on the big screen

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December 22nd, 2005

We are in Somone today to take care of some business. The weather is absolutely fabulous; not hot.


Senegal is known for its ‘Teranga’ (hospitality)

November 30th, 2005

One evening we were invited to Yvette and Charles house in Rufisque. They had a group of guests in town from Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). It was catered, it was very nice. You haven’t eaten until you’ve tasted Senegalese food. Ummmmmmmm.

Sunday night, Jacques hosted a soiree for me at his home. Nice, nice. His friends and family including General Gomis and his wife, and Colonel Ndiaye and his wife. They broke into a song that they sang years ago. It was so nice. His cook served a three course meal! I only wish I could describe the dishes. They toasted me…Yes, I’m being spoiled.


Fait les achats (shopping)-
Jacques says 10 days is not enough to visit Senegal. He’s right. I was unable to do any shopping. I tried to reserve the day before leaving the country to try to go shopping. Even though Ngor, his driver, ran me downtown making about 6-7 stops, it was impossible to find what I was looking for in a couple of hours. But you know, I did the best I could.


Somone- on the coast

November 30th, 2005

This is the life. After returning to Dakar from Thies, we travelled south to the Petit Cote (little coast on the Atlantic Ocean) where the vacation resorts are. Somone is a small town where the fields and farms of the paysans (farmers) are being sold off by the younger generation like hot cakes. Europeans and some Senegalese are buying land and building on the coast like crazy. It is nice and quiet here. I fell in love with this villa on the Atlantic coast.

In additon to private homes and villas on the coast, there is an area ‘downtown’ with shops, restaurants and hotels. LAst night there was an extravaganza at the small hotel where we stayed , the Cigalons. There was a Diola Dance Troupe. It was very nice, but again trouble with blackout at the Cybercafe so I was unable to resize and send the photos.
Diola dancers



November 30th, 2005

I actually came to Senegal for some rest. Mais ce n’est pas possible (but that is not possible). Too many things to do and friends to look up. I visited the Diagne’s, the Seck’s, the hospital where I worked, Peace Corps training Center, the Diop’s and the Sall’s. All in 2 days! We were all so glad to see each other. Jaqcues was surprised to find that so many people know me in Thies.

Adja and Bolo (from right, Adja, Bolo and Adja’s little ones)

The infastructure in Thies has improved. I hear that the Prime Minister was from Thies and he has made a lot of physical improvements in this town. The main drag looks like the Champs Elysee in Paris. Thies even has a brand new hotel called l’Hotel Lat Dior! Also, a new World Trade Center on the Place d’Independance.

World Trade Center

The main streets are now paved without holes. I was also told that Senegal has begun work on a new airport larger than the existing one. It will be located near the Petit Cote where the tourists are. I’m impressed. We return to Dakar for a day and then on to Somone on the Petit Cote.

Everything slows down from noon to 3pm each day. That’s why I like this place!

Ciao! and a tout a l’heure!


Goree Island, Dakar, and Thies

November 22nd, 2005


Sunday, we spent the day on Goree Island for a special event. Commemoration of the slave trade with traditional dancing. Met an interesting young couple on vacation from Paris. It was very nice and the weather has been excellent!!!!!!

Back to Dakar…This is a new monument on the Corniche (a boulevard running along the Atlantic coast in Dakar). It is called ‘The Door to the Millenium’. Quite attractive don’t you think?

Door to the Millenium Monument

Monday, I went to the Sandaga marchè to buy fabric. Bargaining wore me out, but i think i got good prices. Off to find a good tailor to make me a jacket and a suit.

Today, Tuesday, we are visiting families in Thies, where I lived for 2 yrs. Visited the Dieng’s, the Diagnes, the Diops, the Salls, and District Hospital.
The Diops
We just left dinner at Yvette’s. The kids are no longer kids. Adja is 24 and Bolo is 18 and entering college!
If you notice strange typos it’s because the keyboards are French and the letters are in different places.

Tomorrow I,m going to visit Robinson House in Sampathe. Don,t know what I’ll find.

Visited Robinson House, Center for Albinos at Sampathe this morning. The center has expanded somewhat. Moussa was on duty today.
Robinson House

Center Placard
When we built the center seven years ago, it was out in no man’s land. There was nothing else out there. Today, it was difficult locating the center. There’s a community built around it. Houses everywhere; there’s even a new college within view of the center! Thies is movin’ on up!

A tout a l’heure…

…sorry, this computer doesn’t have a USB port for photos. And it is 100 degrees inside the cybercafe!!!!!!!!
