BootsnAll Travel Network


Guess what is sitting on my desk!?! It’s so pretty. It has stickers on it. Also – there was only enough battery for me to see the screen before it hibernated, so the first thing I’ll be doing when I get home is changing it away from Toby Stephens. I’m thinking to… Davey Havok? (Thanks, mom!!!!)

One of my housemates left. Seriously – in a day – without ever saying goodbye. It was one of the Argentinians. He hadn’t really found a job he wanted and he has a gf on the north island, so… he up and left. Of course, that leaves all the rent on Lucas, but I’m pretty sure he’s staying. I feel kind of bad, because the night before they were playing music in the living room and woke me up at 12:30a (there’s a thin windown between my room and the living room), so I went out and yelled at them to keep it down and that was the last I saw of Manuel. Oh well. (I don’t really feel bad for yelling – it was after midnight, and I get up around 7am. I’ve let Lucas know that I will always need him to keep it down on work nights).

So – while I’m sad Manu left, I am sort of glad that the two of them won’t be up late making noise. And – then we had a house bonding party for the lunar eclipse! Which meant that we drove a round for half of an hour until we found a break in the clouds! We saw it with just a sliver left to cover up – although it wasn’t red. That must have been elsewhere (or afterwards). Anyways – I got a couple of good shots, so I can POST THEM NOW along with the rest of my CHRISTCHURCH PHOTOS! And by now, I mean later this evening. (I’ll post an update when I manage that). The trip out was fun, and all bonding-like, and we have plans to go to Sullivans this weekend to hear some Irish rock music. (Plus I’m suppossed to be heading out to the hills for 2 different day hikes – yay! (Please be good, weather…)).

Turns out the DVD player at home is multi-region, so I was finally able to watch Kind Hearts and Coronets. I enjoyed it, although it wasn’t really laugh-out-loud funny. Still, well worth a gander.

Got my Death; the High Cost of Living, so I’m enjoying that (it’s very short! šŸ™ so I’ll finish it up tonight). I really enjoy the intro by Tori Amos; she writes about having a hot dog with Death and chatting. I love her.

On a random note, a friend of mine was switching her back lj entries to friends only because she freaked out when her screenname came up on a non-English site. At this point, I’ve pretty much let it go (although I may go back and friend all my college posts and whatnot, particularly before applying for jobs back home).

The upshot of all this is that if you google jwdmeow, you get my webshots page, my travel blog (this), my youtube videos, my travel blog from South Africa (ummm- from more than 3 years ago – need to take that down), comments I’ve left on other lj pages (incl. who I’m friends with), a post on an author’s blog (Aaron Elkins)Ā on amazon, postings on imdb, and last but not least my livejournal.

Most interestingly, I’ve been posted on Herp Herp Hooray! A “funny reptile” site, because of a travel post I did hereĀ about a frilled necked lizard. Seriously, once something is out on the internets….


2 responses to “YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!”

  1. Karen says:

    Hurrah for getting your laptop! and I’m so pleased that you’re doing something useful with it…like googling yourself…?

    Toby Stephens is the most handsome man in the world, and you should leave him on as wall paper. It beats copulating spiders…

  2. admin says:

    No no – I googled myself before I got the laptop. Last night I uploaded photos from christchurch, downloaded comics I’ve been sending myself along the trip (still doing that), bookmarked my favorite sites, started upgrading software and anti-virus stuff, and listened to all of my music that I can’t find on the interwebs (Pipeline – Dick Dale, Carmen, SFGC, rocket man – Daphne Rubin-Vega, etc. etc.)

    Tonight I’m making an excel file of all the songs I own (almost 7000 – 18 days worth!) and emailing it to myself. That way, until I have an ipod to backup all my music, I’ll at least have a record of what I’ve got. And upgrading more software, going through old emails, etc.

    Toby is gone (btw – do you need me to send you those photos? Or did you switch them to your comp?). I’ve switched it about 10 times already; so far it’s been die hard, AFI, queer as folk, RENT, the office, colbert report, and a picture of my friends from senior year. I’ll settle on something eventually…

    And it was never spiders copulating. It was a French anti-AIDS ad, featuring a guy having sex with a scorpion and a woman having sex with a tarantula. It’s funny!

  3. Karen says:

    It was revolting…and yes, if you could send me the Toby pix it would save my having to find them again. Thanks!