will update later in adelaide- quick stuff before train:
Cleolinda discusses her magpie-like tendencies and ends with, “Basically, the last Potter book–Harry Potter and the Search for Deadly Stuff–is like my dream come true. He’s gonna collect stuff! Shiny stuff! Maybe evil, but that’s okay! Because it’s stuff.” – Well then my whole family should love this.
This: is awesome. (warning – movie spoilers)
Kevin bacon has joined frost/nixon, which is awesome, because now I’ll be able to link Sam Rockwell to EVERYBODY in hollywood.
2 great headlines from cleolinda: Ray Bradbury, “enthusiastic fan of Bush,” says Fahrenheit 451 misinterpreted. I feel like someone just told me that Santa isn’t real.
Putin: Russia may aim nuclear weapons at Europe. Bad for Europe and the entire world; fantastic for Bond movie producers.
Tags: Travel
Bring back Toby Stephens! He can be some European nationality this time. I’m sure he’d be a match for Daniel Craig….