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Thursday, August 16th, 2007

Work has been going well. I’m being trained by the leaving temp, who is a lovely girl, Jenn, from Glasgow. Our boss is Graham, who is really nice, but he will be leaving in a few weeks and is currently looking for a replacement. Then there’s Tash, the permanent trainer, and a few consultants who come in. So far, I’ve only met Craig and Shannon, but they’re both quite nice. The office is lovely (and how much do I feel like Pam, wearing sensible clothes and working reception?) and very laid back (we get a glass of wine on Friday afternoons). We’re all going out for dinner on Thursday for Jenn and Graham’s goodbyes. I’m already creating training manuals, setting up the classrooms, enrolling students in our software… etc. Pretty much I just need to get used to all the procedures, but at this point pretty much everything’s been explained. The office isn’t too busy (unlike Auckland). Honestly, I think it’ll be pretty easy going (knock on wood). I’m pretty thrilled with it.
This weekend; 2 film fest films (Perfume – finally! and Death at a Funeral!!), a couple DVDs, finishing Frankie Silver (she was just hung at lunchtime), trying out the gyms. Read the Dream Hunters (a Sandman spin off). The art is astoundingly gorgeous, and I cracked up when I got to the 2 men, whom I assumed were Cain and Abel. Anyways – I highly recommend it.
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Monday, August 13th, 2007

I got a job! I start as a receptionist for a computer training company on Thursday. I get 7 days training with the old temp. Yay! Work! And its right on cathedral square – SWEET.

My roomies made me milanesas con papas last night (despite the fact that I had already had dinner). I remember having milanesas (thin beef coated in egg and breadcrumbs and baked) in Buenos Aires. And – I mentioned to Lucas that some of the best ice cream I had ever had was in Buenos Aires, and he said, “Freddo?” YES!! God – I had completely forgotten the name. It’s the best ice cream in the world. Bar none.

Did you know that the California Quail lives in New Zealand? Its true (I was looking at bird books). It’s introduced (unfortunately). Among NZ’s cool birds; the kakapo (the world’s largest parrot), the kea, the karearea, the takahe, and the ruru. I love this name; the fantail which is also called the piwakawaka. And of course, all the kiwi and penguins.
I hung out in Scorpio books today (the only new bookstore in CC that isn’t a whitcoulls – I’m dead serious). It’s pretty great. They’re ordering in Death; the high cost of living (by Neil Gaiman) for me (I got the Dream Hunters today and I’m waiting to read stardust till after the movie), and they’ve reserved me a copy of Amphigorey Again when it comes in next month (yaaaayyyy!!!! I spoke to the guys at the Gorey museum about this long delayed collection – what a year ago now? And it had been delayed then…).

Frivolity, at the edge of a Moral Swamp, hears Hymn singing in the Distance, and dons the Galoshes of Remorse.

(It has Seasonal Confusion in it, too, from the New Yorker, which Sarah Jay clipped out and gave to me as part of my birthday present junior year in high school).

Did you know there’s a graphic novel version of City of Glass by Paul Auster (with an intro by Art Speigleman)? It’s true. And Paul Hawken has a new book; Blessed Unrest. It looks awesome. “Hawken (Natural Capitalism) traces the formation of the environmental and social justice movement from the beginnings of natural science across years and continents in this rousing and “inadvertently optimistic” call to action.” – amazon. Yay. I like optimistic environmental books.

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