quick update
So – today it was raining a bit so I didn’t go to Port Adelaide. I did however, get more photos up – and 1 youtube video (jwdmeow – its of a fosa). However, it wouldn’t let me do any more videos, so I think the rest might just have to wait until I get home to the US or something. Which is too bad – because i just took some videos here in Oz, thinking I’d be able to post them. Oh well. I did also finally find a computer with sound (its taken me what – 2 months?) so I was finally able to hear Tori’s latest single (good!) and see the video for Garbage’s new single (super-good; very Blondie-esque, although the video is sort of bizarre. But Shirley looks great (as always)). You can check it out here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZnKt8i_ppRs
Tags: Travel
Hi Jessica,nrnrI have only now just tuned in to your blog. Sounds like you are staying hydrated and hearing some decent tunes from time to time. Just saying hi. We had a sentimental little get together last month that was far too brief, but fun. Anyhow just saying hi and as your designated elder, be careful.
Hey Adam!
I’m sorry I missed the get together. Hopefully everyone is doing well – did a lot of the class stay in NYC?