BootsnAll Travel Network

Odds and ends

Croc hunter’s daughter meets Dalai Lama. This is awesome, because she comes out holding a koala, and the dalai lama notes that it is a very lazy animal, “just like me” !! I love it.

From Cleolinda:

1800s weapon found embedded in whale’s blubber. A living whale, mind you.

Ask A Cokehead: What’s So Great About Cocaine Anyway? Surprisingly, this is not an article from The Onion.

Brain mechanism explains sense of deja vu. (this is cool)

This: is great.

And in casting news: John Cusack has announced his interest in playing Nite Owl in Watchmen, and Gerard Butler will probably be in it… somewhere?

Projectionist loses job after writing review of Silver Surfer
A projectionist for the Malco Theatre chain in Memphis, TN has been fired after writing an unauthorized early review — and a negative one — of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer for the Ain’t It Cool News website. He claims Fox was behind the firing, but the studio denies the charge. The incident may mark the first time someone in the entertainment industry has lost a job for writing an early opinion online.

Damn.  AICN doesn’t say anything about this. They do, however, have a great review for death at a funeral featuring Matthew McFayden (AKA Mr. Darcy), Peter Dinklage, and Alan Tudyk. You know how much I enjoy dark British humor…


One response to “Odds and ends”

  1. Karen says:

    However, I have dreamed things, written them down, and later had deja vu where the EXACT same thing happens that I had dreamed of….

    do do do do, do do do do

    (twilight zone music…)