It’s long and I can’t think of a title. I’m going home.
Fun Office quote for the day;
Michael: Ugh.. who’s ahead in points?
Pam: Well, I think they’re even. At various times you gave Jim ten points, Dwight a gold star, and Stanley a thumbs up. And I don’t really know how to compare those…
After the gym yesterday I stopped by the video store and picked up Heroes, which I had reserved. So far, it’s a pretty fun show (I love all the comic book stuff), the visuals are great, and it is totally worth it for Milo Ventimiglia’s hair (ummm – Christopher Eccleston what?). It has a bit of a problem with the individual episodes not seeming to move the story along very much since there is such a large ensemble cast and so many mysteries (currently), but it’s interesting enough for me to keep watching to find out.
No, really – did I mention his hair? (Click to see the large version).
It’s fall, which means its fire season in SoCal. My lungs love the fact that I’m not there. Check out the photos accompanying the article; especially the ones of how the smoke looks FROM SPACE. (the knobby little island in the lower right is Catalina. That’s the island I was camping on in 2003 when the infernos raged by Claremont. We woke up on the island with our sleeping bags covered in ashes.)
Gah. I’m supposed to go back to the gym today, but I’ve had this wave of sleepiness wash over me this afternoon, not to mention my back keeps popping in all sorts of interesting ways, so I think I’ll defer till tomorrow and make sure I do some weight lifting before yoga.
My brother did a post (about my post about blogs – is that tech-meta enough for ya?) and in it he makes the point that while our family is generally well-travelled (especially this year) we’re also global citizens by the way in which we educate ourselves online. Yes, I waste time online and his way is a much nicer way of saying that. But it is true to an extent that we are really lucky to be able to read news from whatever sources we wish (increasingly important in a Murdoch-Viacom owned world) and access pretty much all the information I ever have a desire to know. Like today (see further down the post) I wanted to know about a dress from a movie, and I was able to find photos, how it was made, and what era of fashion it came from. There is an astounding amount of diversity of information, news, entertainment (and many many things which are hybrids of those categories) available online. It’s second nature to me to access it all these days, but most people don’t have that luxury and it’s only really recently that some of us gained that access.
Nifty. And whatnot.
Ok – seriously? The whole Dumbledore thing? Get over it already! I actually read a “serious news” article where people were suddenly upset that they had let their children read them or thought it gave a whole different slant to the books. No, it didn’t. Chill out. If you couldn’t tell before, then what the author says now shouldn’t affect how you read the books. It’s like when a lyricist goes back to say, oh that song was about x,y, and z, but I’m happy that people interpreted it as whatever they wanted/needed it to be. If it upsets you to find out that a fictional character is gay, despite the fact that there are no overt references to it in the books (thus rendering you able to reread them whilst pretending that said character isn’t gay), you take the whole world waaaay too seriously.
Along that vein, from Cleolinda, “However, the world is still busily discussing the Great Dumbledore Outing of 2007 (“Outing gives Potter passages new meaning”), and also, there are icons, because it didn’t happen if you didn’t make icons. ( Behind the cut, mine )And to finish, from callmecaito: “I’m going back and compiling Dumbledore quotes, and rewriting them so that he outs himself! Because his gayness is really that important, he really should have worked it into all his discussions, really.” Example: At that moment, Harry fully understood for the first time why people said Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort had ever feared. Voldemort… was homophobic.”
There isn’t a good way of posting the image for you, but I LOVE this icon I found. 2 of my favourite British things combined! The image is from the school reunion episode of Doctor Who and the text is “Did I leave the gas on? No! I’m a fucking time lord!” Hahahaha….
Notorious Dr Crippen wrongly hanged, scientists say. Huh. Wow.
News roundup. Included: Mark Wahlberg is replacing Ryan Gosling in the Lovely Bones and writers vote overwhelmingly for a strike. And, “TV castings: Joshua Jackson will do arc on Grey’s Anatomy Starting with this season’s 11th episode, the Dawson’s Creek alum will guest as a doctor on ABC’s soapy hit. In other casting news, Carrie-Anne Moss has joined Ryan Murphy’s new FX show Pretty Handsome (formerly known as 4 oz.), playing the wife of a transsexual (Joseph Fiennes) who decides to undergo a sex-change operation.” Ok – first off, yay on Joshua Jackson still having a career. And secondly, WHAT???
Oh – I do so love the Daily Show. Have Jon and Stephen testified yet?
Film about PETA wins best documentary at the Hamptons.
Since I was posting about cool characters to go as for Halloween and watching the new Sweeny Todd trailer today, I thought of another one; Miranda Richardson from Sleepy Hollow (Lady van Tassel) because I LOVE this dress. Christina Ricci’s stripey one from that film is fantastic, too. (Colleen Atwood did the costumes). And now I’ve wasted half an hour looking up costumes at the costumer’s guide (Moulin Rouge, Stardust, Scarlet Pimpernel, and Marie Antoinette among them. Oh – the girl in the fireplace episode from Doctor Who is up there, too).
NYTimes reviews for Out of the Blue (from New Zealand) and Wristcutters; a love story.
Devoted moviegoers show up early. Hell, yeah I do.
Although iPhones and iPods get the hype, Mac sales break record. I wonder why, DELL?!? Honestly, though, I think it’s mostly good work of mouth. Within the last 4 years, 3 of my best friends have gotten Mac books and they all love them and rave about them.
I was going to post about the Odyssey years article again (it came out in Chch today) in the context of what in the hell am I going to do when travelling is over? But it’s 5pm now. I’ll save it for tomorrow.
Tags: Travel
I think there was a hint in the last book. Remember when Harry was reading Rita Skeeter’s “expose” and was disgusted by the hints that there was something between him and Dumbledore?
I just kind of assumed he was. Maybe it was the descition of the suit he wears to meet Tom Riddle in…
Or, you know, old eccentric bachelor…
What I don’t get is why people feel this is some kind of MAJOR revelation. It doesn’t change the text of the books at all…
Well, no one cares except for people who are homophobic. I thought that the movie twist of Remus and crazy Gary Oldman being hinted at made a lot of sense, but then JKR went and gave Remus a girlfriend…but you know, that relationship never really made sense or had any chance at happiness. Why is it that Sirius never had a girlfriend? JKR has been quoted as saying that he was the sexiest character….
Remus and Tonks were oh so very screwed up. Which is fairly true to life. I’m glad she didn’t make all the couples seemingly perfect.
I think the fact that crazy Gary Oldman was in prison for 13 years and then on the lam (on the lamb? as in a monkey?) probably explains why he didn’t have a girlfriend.
Lam. Sheesh! What a dame! Doesn’t even know her Hollywood 1930s slang…
It was a joke. Colbert has a segment called monkey on the lamb, where it has a gun-toting monkey fleeing by lamb.