BootsnAll Travel Network


So – I’m working on finishing up my last couple of big travel posts. Hopefully those will be up this afternoon. I have a tickle in my throat that is worrying me – I think I’ll go buy some airborne and hit my bed super-early tonight.

Tried to exchange my used books yesterday to no avail. I’ve never been in a city where no used book store allows exchanges. I’ll go try the vagabond backpackers if I get a chance tomorrow. After work (and by work I mean working on my travel post, so that Caroline had a chance to get used to things on her own with me around if she got stuck), I saw JOSHUA!!! It was fucking brilliant. It was scary and Sam Rockwell and Vera Farmiga give absolutely amazing performances. I so highly recommend it. It’s about the only scary movie I’ve seen that is completly psychological – there’s no serial killer, no magic or anything supernatural. Just an upper east side family trying to get by.

Afterwords, I got some pastry dough and a pie sheet and ran home (in the rain – what is up Canterbury weather??) to bakeĀ a pumpkin pie! It isn’t totally perfect (one of my housemates left the grill on so the top of the crust burnt a bit, and I had to go to bed before I could let it cool all the way, so the middle is a little soft. Oh – and it turns out we didn’t own any measuring devices, so the sugar and spices were guesstimates.) But it tastes good! And that’s the important part. And while it was baking and cooling, I packed. So I’m sending 2 small boxes home, and I don’t know how everything will fit in my backpack, but that’s a project for tomorrow morning.

Here is an article Jon Dorschner wrote about Iraq. He’s my friend’s father, and he volunteered to go to Iraq to help rebuild and try to create some goodwill towards Americans, even though he is very against the war (he taught at West Point for two years, and when I visited his family there, he had a giant poster of Jerry Garcia up on the wall in his office – how cool is that?) Anyways, check out what he has to say about how things are going.

Round 2 of the gay writers strike is picketing NBC. Why’d they pick NBC? “HEROES is quickly becoming the gayest show on television. It’s a show with a bunch of men who run around shirtless for no reason. It’s like West Hollywood on Saturday night.” Ah… I love Heroes. Now, if only I could find the time to sit down and watch 207-209.


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