He’s not Spider-Pig anymore, he’s Harry Plopper
Spent yesterday contacting people about apartments (I think I’ve figured out which neighborhoods to look at in CC), catching up on the news (by which I mean casting, obviously), and contacting the temp people again. I was productive. Really.
I also went to see the Simpsons movie, which was incredibly laugh-a-minute, to the point where I can’t remember all the times I was laughing out loud. (There were one or two American political jokes that I absolutely – well, guffawed is probably the closest word – as the Aussies around me sort of sat there. I also like that there can be all these sophisticated jokes about the NSA and EPA and homer hitting himself in the eye gets the biggest laugh. It translated to a movie surprisingly well, although the characters, you know, developing as people was occasionally awkward. Since they have no practice at it. Oh – and how much do I want to meet an Irish environmentalist? Lucky Lisa.
Fun stuff: Daniel Radcliff on Deathly Hallows
Holy crap – a freaking AWESOME Sweeny poster
More on beowulf
This is great. Its about getting an Indie going (The nines – great reviews from sundance).
Popwatch on comic-con: “Superskinny director Jon Favreau — who told EW he’s lost 80 pounds (“I just ate less”) — introduced his trailer, which featured Robert Downey Jr. effortlessly nailing the role of Tony Stark, the cocky billionaire who dons a metallic suit after a near-mortal injury. Biggest nerdgasm: Watching I-Man fly the sky in his Mark III suit with jet propulsion capabilities… in his freakin’ hands!
Steven Spielberg led a taped on-set message from the Indiana Jones cast on-set and in costume: Harrison Ford, Ray Winstone, and Shia LaBeouf inexplicably, though perhaps tellingly, wearing biker gear. The big announcement: Karen Allen (pictured, with Spielberg, on the Indy IV set) will reprise her role of the whiskey-swilling Marion Ravenwood from 1981’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. ” YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was so the best heroine ever. Also:
“What’s this? Stardust might not suck after all! Introduced by English screenwriter Neil Gaiman (the Frank Miller of this year, also touting his other Hollywood project, Beowulf), the genuinely goofy scene from this fantasy movie followed a witch (a well-humored Michelle Pfeiffer) as she hatches a plan to — stay with us here — catch an anthropomorphized star (Claire Danes) by using two goats, an inn, and some magic.” Ack! I had to stop reading there: lost news. I have to finish season 3 before I listen in to between-series gossip. Are they doing the mini-season/ full season with no breaks thing again?
A review of Moliere, which I’d probably like to see, particularly given the similarities to Shakespeare in love.
More on watchmen, including a release date and poster (fuzzy).
A trick r treat trailer, which looks like a horror flick I’d actually be interested in. Unlike all the recent saws and hostels. Plus it has Anna Paquin, whom I like.
From Cleolinda:
‘Harry Potter’ Watts – Townsend – Fiennes Casting Rumors Untrue, Say Actors’ Reps. DAMMIT. [ARGH! I know! FIND A ROLE FOR JOSEPH FINNES!]
When death comes calling, so does Oscar the cat: “His accuracy, observed in 25 cases, has led the staff to call family members once he has chosen someone. It usually means the patient has less than four hours to live…. Dosa said Oscar seems to take his work seriously and is generally aloof. ‘This is not a cat that’s friendly to people,’ he said.”
Voracious jumbo squid invade California. [Arrr – there be kracken here!]
From Cynara: “Don’t want to be caught, as an alleged responsible adult, reading Harry Potter? Here are some alternate covers. COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY NWS.” And awesome.
Silence! The Musical bites into Off-Broadway this September. I… I don’t even know what to say about this.
50 craziest celebrity baby names.
‘The Dark Knight’ Teaser Bootleg. [That got taken down, but I found a new one here. How exciting is Heath Ledger as the Joker?] [Whoops. Apparently thats not the real one. The real one is here.]
New Trailer for Keira Knightley’s ‘Atonement.’ [It’s here. BTW – Kiera Knightly and James McAvoy? Hott. And I was trying to figure out why the little girl looked familiar – its because he’s the one who got cast in the lovely bones.]
‘Alvin and the Chipmunks’ Trailer, because our God is an Angry God.
Comic-Con 2007 Preview: 12 Questions Cinematical Wants Answered. Including:
Will Clive Owen’s hot streak continue in Shoot Em Up?
After Sin City, Inside Man and Children of Men (we’ll pretend Derailed never happened), Owen’s turning out some of the most high-grade product on the block. The fact that New Line is showing his latest thriller in full would lead us to believe there’s more where that came from. [Shoot em up looks awesome, so long as Monica Bellucci pulls her weight]
Tags: Travel
OK, I looked at the T-shirts, and they’re just weird. What’s the allusion? I know I’m missing something.
That IS a freakin’ awesome poster! Definitely frankfurter-ish. (As in “hot dog”, not Rocky Horror.) Johnny Depp will make a terrific Sweeney Todd. The funny part about the poster, though, is the Christmas release part…somehow, ST doesn’t seem v. ho-ho-ho….
It’s sad reading interviews with Daniel Radcliffe. It’s like listening to sports stars talk. They always sound so stupid when they open their mouths.
Moliere got lousy reviews.
And although I REALLY wish she’d eat and be normal, I quite approve of the fact that Keira Knightley is complaining that Hollywood keeps giving her boobs when she has none…
It comes from the Simpsons movie (its also in the trailer: ). I laughed out loud the first time I saw that trailer, so the shirts amused me.
Well – Tim Burton likes Christmas releases. I’ll go see it. I’d rather watch that than its a wonderful life…
I don’t know about Radcliff. He mentioned some obscure movies in a couple of interviews. It seems like his actor training is coming along.
I like Kiera Knightly. I do wish she’d gain some weight, but I think she’s one of the best young actresses around, along with Natalie Portman.
Oops: the trailer is here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/thesimpsonsmovie/trailer2_med.html
OK, now I want a spider pig T-shirt…