I hear that the oscars used brahm’s lullaby to get people off stage. As one person put it “Since when did the start playing lullabyes to get ppl off the stage… dont they know we are already half asleep?”
It sounds like most people are finding these awards a wee bit boring – and an alan arkin upset isn’t enough to shake things up yet. I didn’t really expect ellen to play it safe… (And I would’ve kept Jon Stewart…) Oh the NY Times has an article about how nobel prize winning authors want to get on the Daily Show and Colbert report to promote their books.
Woo hoo! Marie Antoinette on costume! I wish I had an oscar pool to enter where it was the number of correct wins.
Shoot. Now I’m waiting on awards to happen and trying to stay awake, and I can’t remember whose dresses I made fun of that got cut off. Ah well.
I love that the homeless foxtrot charcters (including a hard drinking quincy) are in pearls before swine.
WHAT?!?!?!? Pan’s labyrinth for cinematography? You have GOT to be kidding me. Seriously – what studio distributed Children of Men – because they need someone to kick them up the backside for failing in their job utterly.
Yay pirates! I’m starting to feel less miffed about Children of men. Arrrrrggggghhhhhhh. See just saying it makes you feel better.
It looks like Universal is to blame for the children of men fiasco. FYI. (I’d like to point out that it was UIP which never released Piccadilly Jim).
Wow. Pan’s labyrinth didn’t win for foreign. Now – I had heard rumors about germany’s entry, but I thought the number of nominations (and now wins) combined with the box office made pan’s a pretty sure bet.
uh oh the birds are singing.
Tags: Travel