BootsnAll Travel Network

Isn’t that right, yah … timorous beastie?

Gym last night. Yummy tofu curry for dinner. Turns out a 2nd friend of mine is applying to med schools in Ireland – how brilliant would that be? I’d have twice the excuses to go visit. I know such smart people; 1 in med school, 1 about to be, 2/3 in vet school, 2 in grad school for masters, and 1 MD/PhD, not counting acquaintances.

Turns out the long weekend in November for Anniversary Day is actually a huge festival in town… so I don’t want to miss that. I guess I won’t go stay in Akaroa (I can’t go away this long weekend) so I’ll just have to take the day tour out at some point. Cordo said it was so good she did it twice. (Dolphins! Cheese! Pretty scenery! Cheese!) Jason showed me some photos he got of the dolphins a week or two ago and ever since I’ve been super-excited to go see them.

I’m ranked 110/444 for the fall box office challenge after 2 weeks. I rock.

Sneak peak: Alan Moore’s new graphic novel. I have yet to read any League books, but it looks good (isn’t the Greyfriars school referenced in something else, as well? It sounds really familiar).

Cleolinda has posted about PC Mag’s top 100 blogs for 2007 as well as her own top 40. I’ve been pretty good about keeping away from defamer and gawker, which I was starting to read in grad school (although now I’m highly tempted to go check out jezebel). Plus, I don’t read ohnotheydidn’t while I don’t have my own laptop and rss feeds set up. So, what do I check on a regular basis? (aside from Cleolinda and my friends blogs and journals – shout out to

The news and columnists: NYTimes, SFGate, BBC, Jon Carroll, Mick LaSalle, Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman, Violet Blue, and the latest Colbert Report because they don’t broadcast here.

I no longer check my non-profits on a daily basis (I know… I know…. I’m a  bad, selfish person), but I still try to check out Grist for environmental news on a regular basis.

The movie stuff: Cinematical, Aint It Cool News, The Movie Box, Entertainment Weekly, Coming Soon, trailer spot, the Envelope, Box Office Mojo, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB. Occasionally; Variety.

The comics: Pearls Before Swine, Get Fuzzy, Sherman’s Lagoon, Sluggy Freelance, Questionable Content, PBF, XKCD, All Over Coffee, Doonesbury, Opus, the Editorial Cartoonists archive, Indie Tits.

Other: Go Fug Yourself. Occasionally I Can Has Cheezburger when I get bored. Once I get home, I’ll probably check out bandsintown regularly. And Craigslist and Citysearch SF. Let’s see… I spend time on Amazon and Netflix rating movies. Garbage Disco Box, but there’s nothing going on there now. Merle Reagle’s crosswords.

It’s amazing our generation accomplishes anything. Then again, we are very good at multi-tasking and budgeting our time. And it’s not as if my job occupies 8 hours of every day.

Of course, thanks to Cleolinda and the above mentioned list, I now have a whole new crop of blogs and sites I want to check out…. Must go do work first!

Speaking of linkspam: Supercat!
Rowling calls first book tour in 7 years a ‘treat’; J.K. Rowling Talks Hogwarts Encyclopedia and More;
Halle Berry’s ‘Nefertiti’ Will Have ‘Epic Quality’ To It. [I’m getting a flash to the Beyonce Cleopatra in Dreamgirls]


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