“Noviembre sin ti…” (November without you – )
Wednesday, November 29th, 2006Yet again, this will be a random and unconnected blog entry. For one thing, I´m typing from an internet caf{e which is blaring Indian music. Not loving it.
Speaking of music, salsa is of course an integral part of latin american culture, and especially here in Ecuador. And while I had always liked the music and understood the steps, my hips (caderas) were clueless. Which was unfortunate, since salsa is all about the caderas. Salsa is very sensual, and sensuality just seems to ooze out of the latin american culture. Sometimes they dance salsa even when there isn´t music. It´s just really a part of their soul, and the soul of their country. So not being able to dance salsa really means missing out on a critical part of latin america.
If someone invited me to dance, I gave it my best effort, but it was evident to all involved that my hips were clueless. But, then, to my absolute amazement, at dance class on Friday, something finally clicked in my brain, and the next thing I knew, my hips were gyrating in all the right directions. I experienced a high that no drug on earth could ever compete with. I´m not saying that I should be a professional salsa dancer, or anything that aburd, but I finally understand it and love dancing it every chance I get.
Speaking of other things that are clicking – as of late, my comprehension (ability to understand spoken spanish) has been improving remarkably. It was always the language element that I struggled most with. I´m so jealous of the people who can´t speak a language, but can still understand what is being said to them, bec. for the longest time, I was the total opposite. But really, it´s best if you can both speak and hear. I´m getting to where I can understand more and more things out of context, and can catch more and more song lyrics. Sometimes I wonder, really? have people been speaking this clearly this whole time?
Total shift of subject. It has been thrilling to be here during the Ecuadorian presidential elections. As one article I read said, Ecuadorian isn´t one of the most powerful nations in the world, but this election was pivotal in terms of overall latin american politics. On the one hand, there was a banana tycoon (billionaire) who was running his 3rd campaign. During his campaign, he was literally giving handouts of food and money, and promising more if voted in. While he was promising to give fish, the other, was promising to teach the people how to fish. Correa, the pres. elect, is highly educated, with 2 masters – one from the US, one from Belgium, and a PhD in economics from the Univ of Illinois. He speaks fluent English, French, and Quechua. Between the 2 candidates, I would certainly have voted for Correa over Noboa. While I appreciate his vision of reform and restructure, I, like many here, hope that he remembers that effective change takes time and process. I know he doesn´t need to be reminded that Ecuador has had 8 presidents in the last 10 years.
Next shift – Thanksgiving. The Friday after Thanksgiving I got together with about 20 other profs to celebrate the day. There were some of the traditional trimmings – turkey, stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, etc. And a few items that I´d never seen at a Thanksgiving spread before, – fresh guacamole, market fresh fruit salad, juices of maracuyá and tomate de arbol, etc.
Sitting there, enjoying the fluent conversation and shared cultural references, I thought about people back in the US who don´t like it when immigrants keep to themselves. I don´t want to judge those people, but I realize that they have no idea what it means to live in another country, culture, language, etc, willingly or unwillingly. While I adore Ecuador, and feel pretty comfortable with the Spanish and the culture here, it´s still a very comforting thing to be in the company of people who share your native language, and your cultural background. That´s not to say that I automatically prefer any English speaker over any Spanish speaker, or that I like every single US person I meet here – – but in some respects, it´s easier to be w. people who are like you, and there´s comfort and a sense of safety in that ease. And when you live in a different country, even one that you like, comfort and safety take on a whole new meaning.
However, at the end of the night, it was obvious how Ecuador has influenced all of us. While we in the US generally don´t kiss in our greetings and farewells to one another, having lived in Ecuador for so long, it now feels strange and foreign for me to NOT kiss hello or goodbye. It´s always a slightly awkward thing when north americans greet and say goodbye to each other in Ecuador – ummm – do we act north american about this and keep our spatial non-touching distance, or do we do what feels more comfortable here, and kiss? Despite the fact that there were no Ecuadorians present at the feast (they were invited but couldn´t come) we said our goodbyes with Ecuadorian kisses, which just felt right.
Teaching cycle is almost done, and THANK GOD. Even with the 2 classes I like, I can tell that I´m losing patience, as they´re ready to be done too. It´s harder and harder for them to keep their focus, and they want to do nothing but play and speak Spanish. And you can only imagine how much fun I´m having in my last (most loathed) class. Actually, it´s not so bad. We all can see light at the end of the tunnel, and they´ve become more bearable than they´ve prob. ever been. But finals are next week, and then I´m taking a much anticipated and needed long weekend to the coast with a friend.
It´s unbelievable to me that Christmas is less than a month away. They do Christmas trees and greenery here, although they do seem out of place as I´m wearing a tanktop and miniskirt in the middle of the day. I´m actually trying to not think about Christmas too much this year – this will be hard, as it will be my first Christmas away from home. Of course I´m not asking for sympathy, as this is completely my own doing. There´ll be a few of us here, and we´ll do what we can do to make the day as special as possible. I´m already looking forward to the annual exhibit of nativity scenes in the Old Cathedral, where the scenes are made by artists from all over latin america, of all different types of materials.
Well, I have rambled far too long. Miss you all, I think of you all at the most random times, and wish quite selfishly that you were here. Hope that you are happy and healthy wherever you are in the world –
cariño siempre