What a Sendoff!! (11/22/05)
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005By now most of you know that we are leaving Chicago next weekend. Before that time we are squeezing as much in as possible: Thanksgiving with Luke and Beth……..Working out with Tyrone……..Bowling with Tom and Dawn……….Sharing wine with Matt and Jill….and, of course, rooming with Andrew and Em (thank guys!!).
We’ve made so many great friends during our five years in Chicago and didn’t want to miss out on celebrating with them all before we left for Seattle and the World. What better way than to throw a party and invite our closest friends!!!! On Saturday night we all got together at Cesar’s and had some Tequila and Cervezas.
We had a blast and are so thankful to have made such great friends over our 5-year stint in Chicago. To everyone – Don’t be a stranger and please follow along with us on our travels. You all shared so much of yourselves and we promise to share ourselves as we travel and make our new life in Seattle. We would love to read “your posts” on this blog as we wander around the world and enjoy life….please POST!!!
Share some of the party pictures below or click here to see them all…….