BootsnAll Travel Network

And the Winner is…….

We are absolutely amazed with the contest submissions and still laughing days later from the classic K-1 Bloggers ideas. Thank you everyone for having as much fun with this as we had reading your entries. As we expected the competition was tight and extremely competitive…

In the interest of being completely fair we decided to provide some of our own thinking on the submissions that didn’t quite make the cut……

Apple Pie – sorry folks… the Mapp Sisters (from England) have staked their claim

All Fast foods – too easy and too cross-cultural…..
Obscure Regional Foods – Tough to discount but not widely enough spread within the US.

Pizza – Actually not invented by the Italians but by the Chinese….still learning alot!!

Mac and Cheese – too French!!

BBQ – It’s done in too many countries to qualify as American only.

Honorable Mention:

Thanksgiving Dinner – absolutely American but didn’t the Pilgrims steal most of it from the Indians! Close but no cigar…well maybe a parting gift!

Chicken Wings – originated elsewhere like BBQ but Wingdome style is definitely American

Funniest Submissions:

Read K-1 Bloggers Post….lobster, cake, cucumbers….absolutely comedic!


S’mores – winner for two reasons. One, they were invented by the Girl Scouts, is anything more American than that!? Lastly, S’mores is short for “Some More” and what is more American than that phrase which has now been modernized to “Would you like to Super-size that?”
Congratulations Papa Lamb!


One response to “And the Winner is…….”

  1. momz says:

    I hate to be a sore loser….but…how much more American can you be than NATIVE AMERICAN. OK??????
    But we will give it to Papa Lamb because we realize how many hours he has been up with the new baby, and he needs encouragement.
    thanks J&B that was great fun. We love the new pictures from africa and glad to hear you saw all the animals you could possibly want to see.
    We are heading out to downtown Missoula tonight to see what kind of animals they have.
    Had a great time with Georgette and she sends her love.
    love Mom and Dad Z oxoxoxoxox

  2. B's Mom says:

    Just another Mom here who is a sore loser….not even honorable mention! J and B neglected to tell the family until we had already entered that we were disqualified from the contest from the beginning…..seems like the rules should have been posted first before I thought so hard. Loved all the entries…take care of that baby.


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