Putt-Putt and Men in Drag
So what have we been doing? I have been asking Maryanne and it is tough to remember when exactly we did things, probably should write more often. lol Well I know a few days ago we meet up with our friends Caroline and Ryan. We headed to Karon Beach to Dino Park mini golf! It was a lot of fun, this was our second time there. Made us remember what fun we had with Wayne and Glenna a few years back! Luckily it wasn’t as hot this time! So no sweating our butts off. My next post will include some pictures, just need to download them off the camera. We then headed to the beach to work on our tans, sleep and relax in the water. Afterwards we headed for a walk and then back to Patong. We also headed to the movies to check out The Day the World Stood Still. Pretty good flick, but again I just go for the popcorn and coke, if the movie is good then it is just a plus! Plus it is cheap.. So we been doing our normal routine of me enjoying my morning coffee in the restuarant until Maryanne wakes up, then off to breakfast/lunch, Starbucks for an hour of chitchating and reading the paper. Then figuring out what we are going to do for the day. Well yesterday we planned to head to the Simon Caberet, a popular drag queen performance. We had heard it was really good, so since Maryanne wanted to go, I agreed. Some of these guys looked really convincing as women, although others…Well Nate looked like a better woman when he put on that dress a few years back! Yep Nate I still remember! I think even Gareth as Mrs Claus last year was a better “women”! It was actually a better show then I thought it would be!
Today we were going to head out the the carnival that is here for a week, but Maryanne is feeling under the weather! So a collective awww for her….. So making sure she is drinking lots of fluids and had soup for lunch. Hopefully tomorrow she is feeling better and we can check out the carnival. We are only here for a few more days, have already purchased our tickets for our Visa run on the 18th and our tickets to Koh Lanta! Then on the 21st we get on the boat for our 17 dive christmas diving trip! Plan to spend most of the time working on my tan when not under the sea! Not to mention hoping my hair gets really blond again. It is really going to suck though to be out of touch for so long, sorry about that! We will miss you all and be sure to fill you all in when we get back, as well as tons of pictures.
Tags: Thailand
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