Loads of sharks, Muay Thai and a bored Jared!
I have been very busy lately assisting in classes so that I can get Signed off (Complete all my required tasked for my Dive Master Cert). Well I am telling you this because the other day I was assisting on a Open Water course and an Advanced course. We did their Deep Dive at Chumpon (The Gulf of Thailand’s most famous site, and for good reason) Well we were just about ready to kneel down on the bottom of the sand and what do we see, 4 sharks just swimming around. It was so amazing. We finally knelt down in the sand at 30m and the sharks just swam around us. It was absolutely beautiful. I cant believe how close they got to us. Needless to say I was one happy camper. We have been here almost 3 months and I know me and Jared were very lucky to see Whale sharks but I also really wanted to see the real sharks. I got a short glimps of them a week or so ago as you saw in the blog. But this was amazing! The sharks were coming with in a meter of us. The sharks were Gray Reef sharks and they varied in sizes between 1 to 2 1/2 meters. What a great day. I was so jealous of one of the students in the class cuz it was only his 5th or 6th dive ever and he got to see all those sharks, some people get all the luck! One of the students was quite scared of the sharks as she kept moving to put other students between her and the sharks, it was really funny to watch!
Well while Maryanne was having all the fun and working her butt off, I was doing a whole lot of nothing. Thankfully my cold is about over and I can finally dive tomorrow! It has been way too long! I mostly spent my days chatting with friends, surfing the net and getting some sun. It was way too hot to hang out in the room and watch movies. Okay I did do that a bit on the first day, but there is only so long you can watch movies. Luckily last night we went to a Muay Thai fight with Mark, Deb and some of their friends! It was awesome, these little guys can move for sure! There was even a westerner who fought and won. Granted he had only been training for two weeks but he had the height, weight and reach advantage. Plus he was in pretty good shape. Anyway a great night for sure.
I have one more task to complete and then I can sign off as well!! Yippie the end is in sight, then we can focus more on our up coming dive trips! Sometimes it is tough to take one day at a time!
Oh and mom yes we are staying pretty close to our budget, right now we are below it a bit, but due to our change of plans to do more diving till the end of August we are looking at about 119 US a day. Otherwise we average about 50 to 60 US a day (food, lodging, motorbike, beer). Which is about 10 more than we had hoped to spend in Asia to save more for Aus and NZ, but well worth it in our opinion! 🙂
Tags: Thailand
WOW, I would have been terrified if a shark was 1-2 meters from me, I would panic!!!!