Life in Phuket
Well it has been a bit since our last post, sorry to our loyal readers and to the rest of you I guess! We left Koh Tao on the Songserm ferry which actually wasn’t too bad. Got to sit in VIP section for $1 which means soft chairs and a movie. It was about 3 hours to Surat Thani. From there we got picked up by a bus to take us to a building to wait for the bus to Phuket. They then had the people going to Phuket get on another bus to go somewhere 10 miles away to wait for an hour for the actual bus. Thailand does a real good job getting tourists around the country by making it easy to arrange. Now the actual journey well sometimes it is good other times crazy. This was one of the crazy times. As we are sitting for an hour waiting for a bus with a bunch of other westerners, the staff was kind enough to put on a movie for us. They are so nice they put on Hancock, however it is all in Thai. It doesn’t bother them though as they pull up chairs and put them right in front of the tv and decide that everyone on the block wants to hear it!! I held my tongue for about an hour and when there was only one guy watching it (he was sitting the closest) I asked him to please turn it down a bit all I got was a look. I still thought he would do it, but no such luck. As I was sitting back down I was told it would be another 15 min till the bus comes. Now mind you we were supposed to leave at 5pm it is now 6pm and we have to wait another 15 min. So what do I do, I walk up to the TV and turn it down myself. The same guy all pissed off was like “why you do that?” He speaks english!! Duh I just asked you to please turn it down cause it was really loud!! So 2 min later you are asking my why?? What a retard! He was so pissed he turned it off, what a tool! Yeah he showed me alright! LOL He should have been working anyway. There are about 20 of us waiting to go to Phuket, now a few minutes after the dumb guy turned off the tv we have a thai guy telling only me and maryanne to come with him cause he is taking us to the bus to get to Phuket. Since they are only asking for the two of us and not anyone else, I am a little worried that they are going to take us to the middle of nowhere. Maybe pissing off the locals might not have been a good idea! Luckily it worked out alright as we were pretty much the only people on a minibus to Phuket. So plenty of room to stretch out! Sweet! Now we were told that the bus would take us to the bus terminal in Phuket Town, so we planned ahead and got a hotel right next to the terminal. So what does this bus driver do? Drops us off somewhere downtown, we have no map, nor do we really know the name of the hotel (I didn’t think it was necessary- directions walk out of bus terminal take left hotel at the end of road) simple enough. Never thought I would have to get a taxi to go 100 feet. Since this guy didn’t feel like taking us to the bus terminal, we struggled to find somewhere who could give us direction so we could walk, no way I am paying for a taxi, when I already paid for a bus to take me. Luckily it was less than a mile away, but it was about 10pm and we were ready for bed! The worst part of travelling I think is the actual travelling!! So hanging out in Phuket town is no fun, but we are here to do some kickboxing/yoga training for a month before going on a scuba diving liveaboard with friends over Christmas to the Similans west coast of Thailand. Well since we didn’t plan ahead, when we got there they are fully booked. So we are a little upset we didn’t plan ahead! Instead we headed over to Patong after finding a hotel that offers free membership to a nearby gym. Luckily by nearby they mean attached to the hotel. It doesn’t have kickboxing or yoga, but at least it is a full gym, pool, sauna and steam room. Quite nice if you ask me! Since this is Patong Beach, known for its nightlife, shopping and restuarants we decided on the first day to take it all in. Starbucks, window shopping and bar hopping. Being thailand, especially being Phuket there are loads of ladyboys around. Both Thai and Western men wanting to be women. Boy it is fun to people watch here and try to figure out which women are men!! Not as easy as you would think! Went to some gogo bars, which basically means women in short tight clothes dancing (or just swaying looking bored) on the bar. Now mom before you freak out it wasn’t as seedy as you think, lots of couples there, plus it is basically like an open air market with like 50 little bars. It was quite fun, especially seeing the old men, looking for company! I would say it was pretty much PG-13ish type place, except you have to be 19 to drink. Today was just a recovery day, lounging by the pool, hitting the steam room and sauna. Very relaxing, tomorrow we start our workouts. Hopefully we can motivate ourselves for 25 days! Still beats having a job!
Tags: Thailand
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