Last days in Singapore
Oh lovely Singapore you will be missed! The past few days have been great despite the rain. We headed over to the East Coast Park and man what a great place, if you ever find yourself here it is well worth the trip. Perfect paths for skating, jogging and cycling plus a separte path just for a walk. Loads of trees, little ponds, picnic tables, BBQ pits and you can even camp there. Plus there are little restaurants and shops to stop in for a nice cold drink. The highlight for me was a Wakeboard park, it was insane. Basically it was a big pond, in it there are several ramps you could jump or slide across. There was no boat to pull you around, that was taken care of by a pulley system above the water. So imagine the T-bar for those of you that have ever skiied (wow I don’t think I have ever used the past tense of ski!) but instead of putting it between your legs it has a handle and it pulls you around. Wow it was a lot of fun and quite the workout. Not only just holding on, but since there is no boat when you fall you have to swim to the side and walk back to the starting gate. It was a good size pond, so I made sure to fall near the start. I did try going over the rails they had setup, but never quite could make it across. Luckily Maryanne got video of my attempts, yeah thanks Maryanne! She was comforting though by telling me this girl who we were watching made it farther than I did across the 30ft long rail! I still think I went farther along it then she did!! Whatever I still think I did pretty good for a 33 year old! Although my body is now killing me, I am so sore. It is painful to lift my hands above my head or even stretch my arms out. Of course the waiters now this so they set my drinks down just out of my New arm reach so I have to move forward on my seat to get my drink! Jerks!! Taking a shower has been a real pain as well since you have to hold the showerhead as the place to hang it broke! Just one big conspiracy against little ol Jared here in Singapore! Okay I digress, back to the park. After Maryanne had fun watching me fall for about 40 min, it was time to hop a bike and go for a ride. Well wouldn’t you know it, they have two person bikes! These are one of those things that look cool, but they actually are a pain. Maybe it was just ours but it was quite difficult with two people on it, especially since both have to pedal at the same time and speed! So we rode for about 15 min before Maryanne’s butt was starting to hurt (mine didn’t feel good either, don’t know how you do it mom and dad). So we rode a bit more had a nice little break and then continued for a bit. Well what turned out to be a nice morning was shaping up to be a rainy afternoon. So as the rain started coming down, we ducked for cover where we spent the next hour and a half waiting for the rain to subside (See the conspiracy!?!?) So for the two and a half hours we had the bike, we didn’t actually do all that much cycling. Sorry Mom and Dad it be a bit before we can work up to 50 miles a day! So I have learned that although parts of my body are getting in shape, other parts need some work as they are way out of shape! Well we stayed for dinner and drinks before calling it a night. Oh I know some of you are probably wondering what the local Sinaporean food is like. Well to be honest I have been boycotting the local food. They eat stingrays!! I love seeing these guys in the water and can’t imagine anyone eating them. Just too sad 🙁 I am sure there is other things that the locals eat, but since this is a city and 95 percent of the time I am eating Asian food I would rather eat things I can’t get elsewhere! Are last day here pretty much the only thing on the schedule was the new James Bond movie! It was great, a good flick, butter popcorn and a coke!! What a way to end our time in Singapore. I am now sitting on a train writing this, listening to music and enjoying the Malaysian country side! 7 hours to Kuala Lumpur.
For those of you looking to go to Singapore and don’t want to spend too much on lodging check out Budget Rooms ( contact is Amy Sze. We had an amazing stay. They aren’t the cheapest in Singapore but you pay a little extra for being downtown. Free Wifi and Laundry (they even provide the soap). Plus you save money on commuting into the city and plenty of cheap food choices nearby. Sorry had to add that in there, since it was one of the nicest places we have stayed.
Tags: Singapore
Hey Jared and Maryanne:
Sounds like Singapore was a blast….. we’re glad you had a good respite!
You had better get in shape now (physically) believe me old age is not for
the weak at heart or body.
Riding a tandem is tricky from what I hear – several people in the bike club
ride them and yeah — you have to be in sync with each other while doing it.
We both send our love and look forward to the next installment.
All well here.
Love, Mom
The big pond sounded like fun, and yes, I rode a two person bike in the past, and it was difficult, in fact, I was probably about 12 and the other rider got so upset, he turned around and dropped me off back at home. I could never get in sync with his pedeling. 🙂