Back on Koh Tao!
Oh it is good to be back in Koh Tao, although it would be much better if the rain and clouds would go away. Given the current weather we decided to rent a 4 wheeler instead of a motorbike for our week here. It is awesome, well at least when Maryanne isn’t on the back with me as I can go fast through the water and mud. The back passenger can get quite wet and muddy. So I have had to take it easy when Maryanne is riding with me! Haven’t done any diving yet, we are going tomorrow morning. It should be interesting since we will have to wake up at 630am!! Maryanne is so looking forward to that 🙂 Mostly we have just been chitchating with friends and trying to stay dry. Thankfully we finally got around to getting proper rain jackets in Singapore and an umbrella which has come in handy for sure! It has changed a bit since we have been back, but luckily for the better. Except the bar has closed for a few weeks, not that we want to go over board with the drinking, but a beer after diving is quite lovely. Not sure what else we are going to do here, but it will only be for a few days until the 18th. So today or tomorrow we have to figure out how we are going to get out of here and off to Phuket. There are no trains, so we get to take a nice long bus ride. Still think it is funny that after our recent travel adventures, saw on TV Planes, Trains, and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy. Too funny some of the similarities, okay it isn’t that bad, but at times pretty close! For now we are enjoying sipping tea in the dive shop, chatting with friends, doing sudukos and dreaming about where in the world would be a great place to dive! Ah to be a diving beach bum, what a life that would be, okay we sort of have that going on now, but I mean being a proper bum! Well since I don’t do drugs or wish to have dreads I cause I couldn’t get completely into the part. But one day I would still love that small hut/house right on the beach, spending most of the time in only shorts and flip-flops, having an old jeep, catching fish, buying local fruits and veggies and living a very simple existence! Now if I can only find that perfect place to do it! 🙂 Yep even on this trip, I am still a day dreamer!!
Tags: Thailand
but you’d have to come back civiliastion once in a while so u can have a white choc mocha…it would be rude not too!