BootsnAll Travel Network

100 Dive Adventure Trip Coming Aug 26th!!

Okay I know a lot of you have been wondering and asking what we are up to after we leave Koh Tao.  Well since it is fast approaching for us to leave this little island, I guess we had to make some decision.  Well our friends Mark and Deb had invited us to go to the Perhentian islands in Malaysia for a few days.  However recently they decided to do that trip plus a few more before going back to OZ and have invited us to come with them for the whole thing.  After much are pulling and begging we agreed.  Okay they told us where they were looking at going, we googled it and fell in love.  So actually we begged and pleaded to let us join along!!  Maryanne and I have really big puppy dog eyes, so tough to tell us no!!  Yippie  So now the plan stands to still go diving in the Perhentian island in Malaysia, followed by a trip to Borneo to dive in Spidan off a converted oil platform called Seaventures Platform (it is said to be amazing diving, like we would go somewhere with crap diving LOL).  After that we are headed a nature reserve in Borneo that has the orangutans. (the big orange monkeys).  Then off to Palua Weh, Indonesia for two weeks of diving and then to Lembeh Strait, Bitung City, North Sulawesi again an amazing place to dive.  Then to top off this little adventure we are off to Bali with them.  Where sadly near the end of October they have to go back to OZ 🙁  Well unless we can talk them into going to the Philippines and Micronesia, remember we have the puppy dog eyes lol!  Mark worked it out that we are looking at about 85 – 120 dives for this trip!!!  OMG we are going to be in heaven.  So Maryanne is looking to take the Underwater Photography specialty and then get a nice diving camera!  We should have some great photos!!  Anyway that is what we have planned when we leave here on the 26th of Aug.

Oh and Maryanne is feeling much better today!!! So all your thoughts, prayers, and comments really helped, she says thank you to you all!  🙂


3 responses to “100 Dive Adventure Trip Coming Aug 26th!!”

  1. Mom and Dad Davis says:

    Oh Maryanne – so glad you are better!
    You two seem to have quite an ambitious plan for the next month or so – oh don’t we wish we could be with you….I’m quite sure it will be hard to leave there on the 26th – but with what you have to look forward to, maybe not..
    By the way, how is the budgeting doing? Do you feel you are in the ballpark with your expenditures to date?
    We’ll have to look at the map for the Perhentian Islands in Maylasia – sounds downright tropical!
    Just love to get the blogs! Hugs from your biggest supporters – Mom and Dad

  2. Jade says:

    …my dream is the big orange primates!! Get all the good info for me

  3. Maryanne says:

    Will do Jade! Yeah we are very excited about going here! I promise to take loads of pictures for ya!

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