BootsnAll Travel Network

Notices on a kiosk in Ashland, Oregon

How to Awaken the Good Heart ($125)

Discover Your True Self ($75)

Get in touch with your inner teacher!

The Inner Smile Alchemical Approach to Healing, Creativity, and Change.

Let’s Detox Together!

The Art & Science of Healing with Love.

Spring Renewal Retreat!

The Perrenial Philosophy is taught on the inner planes, the interior language is veiled to prevent misuse in the lower kingdoms…telepathic information is deposited within both the cellular structure and the finer vehicles of consciousness.

“Conversations About Love” Facillitated [sic] by … who has a Masters [sic] degree in Transpersonal Studies.

Chakra Meditation for Peace.

Creativity Intensive–one day in-depth charge to your creativity. You will never be the same again.

Healing the Torn Chakra and Invoking Inner Wisdom: a series of transformational workshops.

Liberate Your Joy! A life-altering week in Maui. Learn to think positively. Call for cost information.

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4 responses to “Notices on a kiosk in Ashland, Oregon”

  1. Bob Currier says:

    I think that I’ll pass on the workshops. But maybe one of the lessons that I continue to have to re-learn is right here: “You will never be the same again.” Each day, I’m not the same me that I was yesterday…of course, there are familiar threads, some of which go pretty far back…but today,….who knows?

  2. h sofia says:

    Oh boy; that’s Oregon for ya!

  3. Nacho says:

    *Smile* In my experience not just Oregon. I definitely chuckle and smile at all of this language. But I tell ya, it does challenge my mindfulness. : ) I remember posting once about such language and a workshop on metaphysical conversations with pets and some such. I consider much of that a generous dose of wishful thinking, a hyper-active wish for life to be magical not in the way it already is, but in the way we’d like it to be. As such, in my estimation it reveals a deep-seated dissatisfaction with what is, and escapism of sorts. We all need escape, but taking other’s money for it…

    All the best Kendall,


  4. Kathryn says:

    Brilliant, Nacho! so well-said.

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