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Back in Chiang Mai

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

I took the same rickety bus back, and had two seats to myself for half of it, before a thai man came down next to me holding what i was fantasising to be a bomb. on the way the thai army brought out drug sniffing dogs, something that didn’t happen the last time. it was hard to leave pai, and chiang mai is the same as it was. i know it like the… top of my foot, not as well as the back of my hand but close. it’s a good place to visit, pai is a good place to live.

i ate dinner at a food stall directly across from a sad middle aged american and his thirteen year old girlfriend. after dinner i took another seat and rolled a cigarette in front of a ten year old. i wondered which one set the worse example. there are no “no prosititution” signs all over america, maybe they are, i’ve never seen them. they wouldn’t need them except maybe vegas, but in thailand it might actually do some good.

the buses to the golden triangle weren’t running when i got in, so this visit is by circumstance and not by good will. i shall wait out my time and carry on. I’ll be in Laos in two days or so.

Leaving Pai, slowly.

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Pai is the kind of town when you arrive you stay, and when you leave you take it very slowly. I have at least 350 miles to traverse today but I took a last motorycle ride through the country, and have left my bag with the wonderful british man who makes astounding mango shakes, 30 cent mango shakes.

My favorite movie as a kid was Robin Hood, the disney version. And while Robin and Little John were wakling through the wood, when the happy about circumstances they would hell, oodalolly! Pai is oodalolly.

My plan was to get the 9:30 bus, it’s 12:30 now, I’m trying for the 2 o’clock, but maybe I’ll have a change of heart and stay. Ha!

Life is full of bamboo.

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006
bamboo 001 (500 x 375)-jpg.jpg These are the pictures of the glorious honeymoon sweet perched on the river pai. This shall be my last day here, as I finally tear myself away to head to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pai’s Countryside

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006
2-jpg.jpg I decided to rent another motorcycle. Automatic this time around, much easier than a manual. And what a wonderful day it was. I was reminded the role an automobile plays in daily life. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Night 4 in Pai, coming up…

Monday, November 13th, 2006
I was planning on catching a bus to Chiang Mai to begin my ascent up north to Laos. However, this town really does make a travelling man a settled man. I'll be here tonight, so nothing much to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Three Days in Pai, with a few more I reckon…

Monday, November 13th, 2006
I got off the bus and walked around with the two brits I had met on the bus, Alex and Steph. I was planning on going to the other side of town, but I followed them and got a ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Bridge on the River Pai

Saturday, November 11th, 2006
I have finally come to peace with leaving the monastery. I felt weak willed, but even so, things have worked out well for both parties. I took a cheap tuk-tuk to the bus station on the eastern edge of Chiang ... [Continue reading this entry]

The first monk… and the first tears…

Friday, November 10th, 2006
Alright, so my 10 day meditation didn't work out, but before you judge, read on... I had gotten the scavenger list worth of things to bring to the monastery, and arrived at 8 am with 11 white roses. They dressed ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Last Communication Part II: The Bar Scene

Thursday, November 9th, 2006
Battling an ear infection all day, I blame a botched surgery at birth, I bought a weeks worth of antibiotics for about $5. I re-read an alll-white student outfit for my time there. As I read on, there it was, ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Last Communication

Thursday, November 9th, 2006
G'day everyone. This shall be my last communication for 10 days, if I can last that long. This shall be my new home: wat-jpg.jpg I have enrolled in a 10-day meditation course at Wat Ram ... [Continue reading this entry]